The Ending

wow after Marylee was stroking that oil well damn i thought it was getting kinda kinky.

Frank wanted everyone at his parties, BUT everyone wanted Dean at theirs.






thats not what i saw in the ending in my opinion. That oil well model is a symbol of her family and what she had lost. The model is in the portrait just above and in back of her in that scene, the father is holding the Oil well model also. She has a lot of money, more now with the father and kyle gone, and no Mitch. The oil well model is all she really has left of her father and brother that is real to her, the rest does not matter much....Mary Lee really just blew it, she could have had Mitch if she was'nt a such a tramp going around destroying those close to her, she killed any chance she could have had with Mitch forever.


"That oil well model is a symbol of her family and what she had lost. The model is in the portrait just above and in back of her in that scene, the father is holding the Oil well model also."

That's what I thought too.


yes, I agree. The only comical part to it was that she was holding it in the same position as her father up on the painting behind her (as if she could get it in the exact same position).

The only thing I thought that got by the censorship boards was when Kyle exited the bar after the doctor told him that he could be infertile, and there's a little boy riding a horse. We really laughed that up in my film class!


I may have to look at it again, but I took it to mean that now with her father and brother both dead (and no other heir-apparent menfolk around) that it was up to Marylee to take over the family oil business. I didn't see her stroking the model of the oil-well tower in any sort of perverted way, nosiree! Instead, with the painting of her father right behind her, I noticed a rather sober look on her face, sort of like "Okay, my days of being a spoiled tramp are over, I now have to get down to business and run the company, because there's nobody left to do it but me!"

Interesting to note that Rock Hudson's character was planning to go off to Iran to work in the oil industry...

"Nice beaver!"
"Thank you, I just had it stuffed."

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!


I think the "phallic" interpretation of the oil rig, and the "up to Marylee to take over the business" interpretation are both correct. There is no way that Sirk was not aware of what a big oil rig would look like in her hands. Think about it this way -- there were many possible symbols of the oil business available, and many ways of presenting those symbols, so why choose this one? Nothing is accidental.


Oh please, of course this was intentional. The way she strokes that thing and then tilts it outward, it's an obvious phallic reference. Now that daddy and her brother are dead, she is the one in control. Reminds me a bit of Barbara Stanwyck's character in "The Furies" and it underlines the thinly-veiled homosexual relationship between the Stack and Hudson characters. Stack is impotent, Hudson is unmarried despite being desired by the vivacious Malone character. Fun stuff....


How did you come up with a thinly veiled homosexual relationship between
Kyle and Mitch?!

Give me a such thing!

Remember, Kyle was NOT IMPOTENT. Lauren Bacall's character did become
pregnant by her husband!

If Marylee had carried herself more like a lady, and not a tramp during
her years of growing into a full fledged woman...she probably would have
ended up with Mitch! During that era, NO MAN wanted a slut for a wife,
if he was a man with any real class and strong sense of himself.



Well, I think Mitch should have married Marylee after that trial, or at least slept with her. After all she saved him at the last minute, and loved him in her own strange way. His pal's wife didn't.


Obadiah Obadiah, Jah Jah sent us here to catch vampire


Agree with two previous posters, she found a new love. With Kyle and Pops gone she was in control of the company.


Yep. Note also that in the last scene, MaryLee is wearing light blue, the cool color formerly associated with her brother and sister-in-law, instead of the vivid oranges and pinks she sports earlier in the film (while painting the town red).
