MovieChat Forums > Written on the Wind (1956) Discussion > Written on the Wind on TCM's The Essenti...

Written on the Wind on TCM's The Essentials

If Robert Osbourne didn't like Written on the Wind but Molly Hosskel did, then why was this on The Essentials to begin with? I though they personally had to agree on all the films to be picked. From watching the TCM show for years, I don't think that has ever happened before or it will ever happen again. I found it very strange and i was curious if anyone else watched it. Also, to all those you watched it, did Robert Osbourne liking this movie or does he still not the movie.


I don't think the host(s) necessarily pick the Essentials, but I thought it a bit strange that Robert Osborne said he didn't like the movie. I do remember a couple seasons ago when Sidney Pollack hosted and "Tootsie" was on of the Essentials. He said when he was introducing the movie that he didn't pick it out himself, so apprently the people at TCM come up with the Essentials.


I just watched this movie yesterday, and YES!!! He liked it the second time around. I have seen this movie 3 times, and each time I love it more. Rock Hudson is extremely handsome in this movie and makes me "swoon" every time I look at him.

Hell To The Naw!!!!


I am not sure about the crieria for choosing "The Essentials"; however, in the rare case when a movie i haven't seen (such as "Written on the Wind") is featured in this segment, I usually watch it. What a hoot! I loved this movie. Thanks Molly Hosskel (if this was your doing) for introducing me to a Douglas Sirk film I had never seen. I think Robert Osbourne was honestly convinced as to the merits of this crazy movie.


As someone who has done work for TCM, I know for a fact that the two hosts pick the movies from a list of about 3000 films TCM has in their library, at least that is how it is done now. I liked all the essential hosts except for crappy Rose Mcgowan, that bitch sucks monkey turds.

The Truth is out there.
