AntennaTV is running a Labor Day/back-to-school marathon next week.
I hope the episodes are shown chronologically by season.
That way, I can avoid the last couple of seasons.


All of the Wally-centric and/or Eddie-centric episodes in the last couple of seasons are great. To miss out on those would be a shame.

However, the Beaver-centric episodes in the last couple of seasons are indeed unwatchable and absolutely worth skipping.

The best way to find out if an episode is Beaver-centric or not is to read a plot summary of it. If the plot is about Beaver, then it's a Beaver-centric episode, and if not, then it's not.

But if that is not available (i.e. if you don't know the episode title so therefore can't read it's plot summary before watching it), then the first few minutes of an episode's opening scene will also make clear whether it's a Beaver-centric episode or not.


Yes, Navaros, but even in the Wally-centered episodes, you can expect the pubescent Beaver to say something stupid like he was still a 6-year old.


Yes, Navaros, but even in the Wally-centered episodes, you can expect the pubescent Beaver to say something stupid like he was still a 6-year old.

This is true, although at least in those episodes Beaver is sidelined about 90% of the time. I can bear the 10% unwatchableness factor of those episodes. But I guess I'd understand if not everyone can.


If you go to zap2it and click on listings, you can view the name of the episodes. It appears that their range is from the 1st season to the last, with the last episode shown before Carson. The Captain Jack episode will be shown in Beaver's new weekend time slot next week at 6pm on Saturday.


This is the first I have heard of a marathon but it might seem it is becoming a tadition to having a Leave it to Beaver marathon on Labor Day. You or I can go to check what the episodes are, but there are no promises of what order the episodes will be shown. And I would think it will be up to AntennaTV what order they will show the shows in, but if you don't like the episode that is being shown you don't have to watch it.



The last couple of times they started beav over again they cut out the show wher beav and violet were going to fight. In that showm in the first season it impyed that Fred was Wards boss.


As I recall of "The Black Eye" episode, Fred and Ward were equals at work, but Fred got the "Thompson deal" and accused Ward of resenting him for it.

"You cannot boil a llama and expect it to taste like a grilled monkey".


They skipped it again.


Sounds like you are getting gyped there, jimmy.
