Boy scouts

The funny thing that Jerry Mathers was in the scouts only it was of course the Cubs.
Right after they join the scouts every goes camping. Is that really how would have been?


I can't speak for the conditions in the 1950s, but as it exists now, Cub Scouts are family oriented events. Camping is not limited to scouts. All family members are welcome to attend the camp outs.

The camping is also family friendly, known as "car camping." Campers can drop off all of the camping equipment and gear right at the camp site, then go park a short distance away and walk back. So, it's not like you have to have any training or qualifications. There's no hiking involved.


Around thirty years ago Scouts were still doing real backpacking trips--hiking into remote areas of the mountains with backpacks, miles from cars or roads, and camping overnight. It was just the boys and leaders, no parents unless they also happened to be leaders. It sounds like it's not as challenging anymore. More like a picnic.


My post was specific to Cub Scouts. Grades 1 - 5, ages 6 to 10. What you are describing is the Boy Scouts and I'm happy to report that they still do high adventure camping, where the scouts themselves are responsible for almost everything on their own. The leaders are there for guidance and adult supervision, but the scouts mainly do it all. And yes, hiking to remote locations and rugged terrain and environments are included.


I was a cub scout for a time in the latter 1970s and found it rather boring to be honest. We mostly went to one of my classmates house after school once a week or so and his mom and another guy's mom were the den mothers. There was no hiking or doing much fun really. I think once we walked up the local ball field to play baseball. We did take a field trip to a local newspaper and had pizza. I was probably in or around the third grade I would guess. I did not stay with it for too long as I did not really care for it. But it was just run by mothers who I guess did the best they could but they did not likely know anything about it.

When I was older and just out of school I had a group of buddies who were several years younger and still in high school. Most of them were Eagles and I know they did a grueling hike in New Mexico. Maybe that's what you guys are talking about. The kids would be older that do this I would tend to think. I know one guy I student taught with was a scout master and he said he had reached his physical limits while leading a hike out West in the summer heat. I don't think little kids would be able to do that sort of thing. It would be mostly teens.

I always thought it odd how Wally threw dirt on their campfire in the ep A Night in the Woods just before they nodded off to sleep. This goes against every principle that I recall from my camping days. The fire gives you light, warmth, keeps bugs away, and can keep wild animals away. We would never have done this.
