MovieChat Forums > 20 Million Miles to Earth Discussion > Could have had a great 'Prequel.'

Could have had a great 'Prequel.'

Prior to the opening of this film, a giant winged rocket is built and flown to Venus, and the crew encounter strange, dangerous beasts on that planet. Later, the crew begin to get sick from there is a perilous journey back to earth and the ship gets hit by a meteor and has to crash land.

You could make a good movie with all that material, if you did it right.


If this film was more famous, I could see a prequel being made today using extensive CGI. Back then, however, I think it would have been incredibly difficult to do a film in which they land on Venus and are confronted by multiple Ymirs. Additionally, we'd already be aware of the fact that all but one of the crew members died. Lastly, I think that Ray Harryhausen (RIP) would have preferred to move on to the next project as opposed to bringing back one of his preexisting creations.

Still, the plot you just described sounds a lot like another one of the films that he worked on, First Men in the Moon (1964). It's not as good as this one, but it's still worth checking out for the special effects.


The creature effects would be lessened with more creatures running around (& prequels is a very modern concept to finish milking a franchise for all it was worth)


Yes, it would. Along with a lost civilization or something. Maybe the Ymir creature was shipwrecked on Venus from another alien planet?

I'd like a prequel.


It's been a long time since I've seen this movie, but was it definitely established that the Ymirs killed the crew? Maybe they encountered an advanced but weird civilization...

...who, intentionally or not, ended up killing the crew by snu-snu.

One crewman survived, because he was immune to their charms. In a contemporary movie, that would almost certainly be played as: he was only interested in other crewmen!

Even if the Ymirs did kill the crew, it might not have been because they're the bad guys, but maybe have the intelligence of, say, a chimp or gorilla, either of which is perfectly capable of killing a person if it thinks it has a good reason to.

Of course, it would have to have the right director and actors if anyone is going to take such a film seriously.

That's about all I have right now. 
Currently listening to: Sneak's Noyse, Christmas Is Now Drawing Near

"Oh, well," said Zanoni, "to pour pure water in the muddy well does but disturb the mud!"


The first time I saw that, I didn't realize the man was a stop motion puppet.

It's been a long time since I've seen this movie, but was it definitely established that the Ymirs killed the crew? Maybe they encountered an advanced but weird civilization...

They actually died from disease because their suits weren't equipped to deal with the planet's atmosphere. Death by Snu-Snu is an interesting theory. But, if I had to die at the hands of an Ymir, I think I'd rather just be killed the old fashioned way. He's got a nice personality, but those things are ug-ly.
