This was a bad film.

I missed this one in 1957 and I'am glad I did. The plot was weak, the acting bad, special effects subpar but yet I sat through the entire film tonight just to see how big the creature would become. There weren't many Sci fi pictures I didn't catch in the 50's and this one was far from being one to remember. Just my personal opinion before everyone jumps all over me.


You know what they say about opinions...

Drain 2-6-7 is the target area... Drain 2-6-7!


Mines are always right and yours are like *beep*
sorry, couldnt ressist.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Of course you can have a personal opinion but I'm still going to jump all over you. Einstein, this movie was made in the 50s!! When you rate an older movie you can't use the same criteria you would use critiquing a movie of today which is EXACTLY what you did. In the 50's this was a fun, scary and entertaining sci-fi movie for all of us sci-fi lovers. I love this old flick and appreciate it for exactly what it is. A sci-fi movie made in the 50's. You say you missed it in 57 which means you're no kid but unfortunately you have not learned how to properly judge a movie after all those years.


His original post implies he was around in the 50's so he probably has a grasp of what (good) films were like back then, so I guess it validates his opinion to a certain extent.
I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


But more for the unlikable characters. Pepe who worships the 'The great land of Texas', who comes across like a cheap little swindler. Our hero who's a pompous chauvinist with no patience for a woman in medicine and the people of Rome who resemble helpless caricatures. Overall this isn't an easy movie to defend even by 1957 standards. It's not set on another planet, it's doesn't need to be overtly outlandish but it still doesn't want to apply basic common sense.

My favorite scene. Our monster is like a hundred feet tall standing on top of the Colosseum, looking even larger than King Kong. Below our hero looks up and says, "There he is."


I watched this one in 1957 and it's still one of my favorites. Which sci-fi/fantasy movies from that era do you like better? I have some other favorites that would be hooted down by most - Kronos, Magnetic Monster come to mind - what do you prefer to 20MM?


OP - to write of this film, any film, in the past tense, reflects a disregard for art in general. OK, you don't like 20 MMTE, fine. But you should write that it " ... IS a bad film." You sound almost like you're saying it WAS bad, but now IS good.

With that, I like the film.


Saw it on TMC today. It really is so bad it's funny.


it's pretty sad that the best acting in the whole thing is Ymer!!

Remember, with great power. comes great responsibility. - R.I.P., Cliff


It was uneven, too. The elephant almost defeated the reptile, but a whole army with powerful weapons have an enormous task trying to defeat it. Also, the movie could not decide whether to pity the creature or see it as dangerous. The Creature From The Black Lagoon was outstanding in showing the creature as the victim of meddling humans. In this film, he is shown at first as only attacking when provoked and then as a threat to thousands. It was also not explained well how he grew in power.


I'm guessing you didn't pay attention throughout the film. It was clearly explained why the military had issues defeating him, because it didn't actually have a heart, so the bullets weren't able to stop it the way a normal creature on earth could be stopped.

The growth was also clearly explained as they mentioned it's breathing, and way of taking in air as what made it grow.

I believe both of these were clearly explained in the scene were the ymir was sedated with the electricity while in the zoo.


Everyone's entitled to their opinion even when it's wrong. This is a great monster movie with excellent Ray Harryhausen special effects which are hardly "subpar." It's one of the best of its kind from the 50s.
