Jocko's car

Just WHAT the Hell kind of car was that Jocko was driving toward the end of the movie? I've never seen anything like it. Any details?


That's what I want to know! I couldn't believe that! I would love to know more about it.


Thanks for responding. I just wish we both knew the answer. It was like some "space age" vehicle.


I wish a car buff would answer this question. It looked like a very early ancestor of the Smart ForTwo. Time to bring back cars like that. Just enough speed and protection to get around town.


Yes, good point. So, where is a car buff when you one?


Didn't come a cross your question until the date of this post but better late than never.

The car was the Messerschmit KR175 made by the German airplane manufacturer of the famous Me-109.They were not allowed to manufacture planes after WWII so they turned to other products one of which was the thing Jocko was driving.

Refer to this wiki entry:


Hey, thanks for the info!


You are very welcome. I remember that vehicle from when I saw the movie in its original release. I recall thinking is looked like the cockpit of a fighter aircraft. Now we know why it looked that way.


A teacher at a high school near my home had one of them. Some of the older students once hung in to a fence.


I Googled the car and its pretty cool--called a Bubble Car. Reminded me of the Isetta, a one door car that opened in the front (it was featured in the movie "Funny Face" with Audrey Hepburn). Europe experimented with small cars because gasoline was so expensive. They had enough horse power to keep up with normal traffic--don't think it could keep up with freeway or turnpike speeds.

You may as well go to perdition in ermine; you're sure to come back in rags. Katharine Hepburn


Years ago, my stepfather had one of these sitting in the back yard. I guess it was not drivable because I never saw anyone drive it. Then one day it disappeared. I don't know or remember if he sold it or gave it away.

Reminded me of an airplane.

I had the chance to work with Michael Jackson who was as brilliant as they come.
Tommy Mottola



I saw a similar type advertised on an old 20s video on YT but that was a foldable one and looked quite different from the one here.

Tbh, I love the tiny car here, you won't have a problem looking for parking space. I want one actually!
