Why did Trent . . .

try to dump Loren's body into the acid? If they wanted Nora to take the fall for his murder, they needed his dead body, didn't they? And I very much doubt that at that time the skeleton could have been ID'd as his from DNA or anything else.

Even if the police went along with its being Loren's skeleton, they'd have to wonder how Nora managed to get it there.

I'm probably over-thinking it; they needed a way to off the shrink, I guess. By the way, the picture went black pretty abruptly on the DVD I have just as Trent started to drag him toward the "pool." I know this film has been chopped up a lot - was a scene cut from what I saw? (Which did not include Trent's murder.)


I doubt it, I watched this movie all the time on a VHS tape as a kid until the tape about died and had to get a second one, there's no extra scene there, BUT, the DVD DOES have a scene the tape does not, when the first pool of blood is shown, on the tape it just cuts from the blood to Watson saying 'a young girl was killed here', but in the DVD it actually has him explaining 'see that stain? Blood.' Before the DVD, all we had was the tape jacket's word that it was blood because they never mentioned it anywhere else in the movie.


I've always thought the same exact thing. Why on earth would he dump the body in acid when the plan is to say he was accidentally shot by Nora?


I thought the exact same thing. It makes no sense.

The picture went black because the lights went out and then we heard "someone" fall in the acid.
