
This film takes place in Illinois but doesn't look like it was filmed within a thousand miles of Illinois. Too many mountains, too dry, not enough trees. But Olivia deHavilland is better here than usual for this era. She often has a very affected speaking quality in 1950s films. Here she is more down to earth which is what the role required.


When I watch westerns, I don't even get bothered anymore by the location not matching up to where the story takes place. How many John Ford movies are supposed to be in Texas but were obviously filmed in Monument Valley, Utah?  This was filmed in Utah near the Arizona border, not very Illinois-like I agree, hahaha.


It was shot in Kanab and Cedar City, Utah. This blatant discrepancy really brings down the movie as it doesn't even remotely look like Illinois or anywhere within 400 miles of Illinois. It's actually insulting.
