Favorite line(s)

"You're CARICATURES, ALL of you. Without your masks, you're CARICATURES."


"A man, well he'll walk right into Hell with both eyes open--but even the Devil can't fool a dog."

"Radio is a world that has to be believed to be seen."


"The Hunt" is pretty good considering it's largely built around that great line.

It makes me very happy to see people enjoying podcasts so much. Radio may be in its final Death Throes, but mediums that must "be believed to be seen" like podcasts thrive. Let's hope they always do.

"A whole year putting an old car together. But, thank God for that car, and for the hours I used up, and the days and the weeks. I can look at it out there, and I know that it's real. Reality is what I need. Because what is there left that I can believe in? The desert and the wind? The silence? Or myself? Can I believe in myself anymore?"


Fat boy, why don't you shut your mouth!


Indeed. It would be nice if Gart's wife would shut her mouth as well. Which is worse? The boss or the wife? The boss is louder, but I think the wife is worse because, as his wife, she should ideally have some degree of empathy for what he's going through.


Unlike some of "TZ"'s other shrewish wives (and there's plenty to choose from) she does get some good lines. I like her reply to Gart's admission that he's sick: "Well, then you're on the right ward." Or, when Gart relates to her his dream and she spits back: "So it's my mistake pal, my error my miserable, tragic error, to get married to a man who's big dream in life is to be Huckleberry Finn (though I absolutely loathe the actresses' reading of 'Huckleberry Finn'."


"But it's good you're making it snow. A real good thing. And tomorrow... tomorrow's gonna be a... real good day,"


"He shouldn't have thought those bad thoughts. That's why I made him go on fire."


'Last stop on a long journey, as yet another human being returns to the vast nothingness that is the beginning and into the dust that is always the end.'


Awesome quote. "Long Live Walter Jameson" has really grown on me over the years. A very, very dark episode (but then I would expect nothing less from the great Charles Beaumont).

"You're looking at Act One, Scene One of a nightmare, one not restricted to witching hours and dark, rainswept nights. "


"You scrabble up rock hills and feel hot sand underneath your feet, and every now and then take a look over your shoulder at a giant sun suspended in a dead and motionless sky like an unblinking eye that probes at the back of your head in a prolonged accusation."


"If I'm a passionless vegetable, it's because my gardener is an ancient relic made out of dry skin and ice water."
