What a perverse little film

Both morally and artistically. Nearly all the characters descend into evil, even the "head." The Comcast film guide gave it 1 star... another example of a really bad movie that's fun to watch




It's kind of ahead of it's time.


Funny you mention that...I noticed when I watched the other day that they mention test tube babies while in the operating room, early in the film. I was pretty surprised by that, from 1962.


made in 1959, censored for 2 years


The notion of "test tube babies" goes back to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, published in 1932. So, the idea was out there just waiting to become reality.

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC


I'll never use Comcast ever again if they really did give this movie 1 star!



i didn't think that it was bad at all,, just good old fashioned horror at it's best.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


TCM only gave it one star too. I saw this years ago but don't remember how old I was. (Born in 65, film made 62). Anyway I remember my parents were hosting poker night or something and I came upon this film and it scared the crap out of me!
I was on TCM the other day & I recorded it, watched it again, then watched again with my husband. We were laughing at how cheesy it was but man, it was still creepy!


Yeah there isn't a single thing good or even mediocre about it - except that I sorta liked the doc's cruising scenes where that leisurely little tune played on the soundtrack. The acting, the dialogue, the story, the special effects... a complete train wreck on all fronts (plus it features what one critic described as "the worst filmed car accident in the history of motion pictures"). But boy is it amusing to watch with all the cat fights and strange character behaviour - the evil cackling of the head, the doctor's assistant chasing his whole attitude (and seemingly the whole personality to boot) within some 15 minutes, the doctor suddenly freezing right in front of that monster's feeding hole and staring into space for no apparent reason long enough for the beast to grab his neck... Of course, the whole thing's just an excuse to show off semi-nude women... just weird how that flesh parade happens in the context of such grim concepts, multiple gruesome mutilations and bloodletting. F-cked up.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
