About to be on TCM

I have the DVD, but I still have to watch it on TCM. That movie scared the CRAP out of me back in the 1960s.


I concur, as a kid this movie scared me for a long, long time. I recorded it from TCM and watched it over the week-end. The part I remember most was the pounding on the closet door.


The part that creeped me out over 40 years ago was when the guy's arm got torn off. Now I see how corny it was, but I still love watching it!!!


Just watched the tcm recording last night. Loved it. The suprise scares got me, but the creepiest thing and the thing that made my blood boil, was hearing a model say, " Bill, you put something in my drink, didn't you?" Things got too real there. Back to reality.
