MovieChat Forums > Gidget (1959) Discussion > Something I just noticed

Something I just noticed

According to IMDb, "Gidget" was released on April 10, 1959, yet near the end of the film, when Moondoggie finds Kahuna's new employee ID card, it distinctly says "Start date: September 15, 1959". (I assume the film ends just before Labour Day.) So, any viewers who saw "Gidget" when it first came out would have seen a movie set at least a few months in the future! :-)

On another subject, was anyone else bothered by Gidget's reaction when Moondoggie asks if she will wear his frat pin? Almost the first thing she says is "Wait till the other girls get a load of this!", as if the status of having an official boyfriend means considerably more to her than the guy himself!


Although the late 50s or 60s was not my generation, I wasn't bothered by the comment about the frat pin. I thought it was cute. Getting pinned was a commitment and the goal of most young girls at that time to fit in. Receiving the frat pin meant you were part of the "in" crowd and not an outcast at that time

I never noticed the date of the ID. I assume many movies have future dates way in advance their released dates.


and a good trivia question would be the Kahuns'a real name - didn't it
say " Burt Wahl " on that ID card ? and the airline was "Trans *******
Service " ? I am sure it was Trans something..............hmmmm .saw it
and forgot it ,instantly.


Almost quite right....check the movie again....Burt Vail is the name on the ID card but you are right about the september 1959 date.



(I just saw it.)



Kahuna's real name (in the film) was Burt Vail.

"Gidget" was released in 1959 but was filmed in the spring and summer of 1958.


I think this was a good ending. At the beginning of the movie she just wanted a bf because of peer pressure. She wanted to conform with her peers with a boyfriend because they were getting one. That is why she hung out with the surfers and met Moondoggie. Now in the middle of the movie it got deeper talking about Love and life choices, but at the end she got what she wanted. A boyfriend to compare with her friends. I think that is actually kind of neat circle to end the movie with.
