The orange dress

Does anyone remember that orange dress that she wore to the luau? I love that dress and I think it would be so kewl if there was a place that had dresses even similar. If there is such a place and anyone knows about it please tell me. send me a link.


Omagosh....I loved that dress too. I'm 24 but have always felt that I was born way too late. I should have been born way back in the I don't know where you can buy dresses like that but I know you can buy the patterns and have them made. Even Wal-Mart sells them, I think.


Oh my gosh I have never found anyone else who agrees with me about how pretty it is. Also I have always thought I was born too late, I mean I love technology the internet, tv, all great things but oh I love the old times and the romanticism of that time period.


I'm writing a paper about that movie, and this is a peice of it: "
Before the movie began, my Grandma thought about what she remembered most clearly about the movie. “I remember the dress she wore, and what color it was. It sticks in my mind to this day.” During the scene where Gidget gets dressed to go to the luau, my grandmother interrupts the movie to tell me something else. “There’s the dress! I don’t even like orange, in fact, I hate the color orange...but that’s a very special dress to me.” My grandma’s eyes were glued to the screen."


I couldn't agree more! I have often thought I was born about 3 or 4 decades too late...I'm 22 and I absolutely adore everything about the 50's...the cars, dresses, movies and music. I am so glad that at least a few of the clothes seem to be making the rounds again. I would love to find a dress like Gidget's!!


I'm so glad I'm not alone! Sometimes, I think I was born in the wrong decade!


Love that dress, too. Actually, I think Gidget's outfits are all gorgeous.

Anybody know who was responsible for the costumes? Couldn't find anything in the credits.


I only saw a few minutes of this movie today. In the scene I saw (where Gidget goes to the Big Kahuna's bachelor pad and almost "gives herself" [as they used to say} to the Big K., she was wearing what looked to me like a peach-colored dress. The reason it caught my eye was because it looked like the weather was (in the immortal phrase of Clark Griswold) "a little nipply." If you catch my drift.
