This movie is gay!

And I mean that it the most beautiful sense! Come on, all those hot young men, showing their buff (for that era) bodies and living on the beach together. (Key West, anyone?) They sing. They are all as hot as hell and want nothing to do with a pretty blond gal. Not too much of a stretch.

I definitely think there was some action goin' on. If the cabana's was a'rockin, I wouldn't have come a'knockin'.

Ironically, I read that Cliff Robertson was a big stinkin' homophobe. He reportedly refused the lead in a TV movie (That Certain Summer) because it had a gay theme, stating he'd "rather play Hitler."

The Nimble, Limber One.


LOL! I see your point, but I wouldn't assume they were gay. Maybe it was a conspiracy. Poor Gidget- she didn't have her gaydar on. LOL



how about that kahuna? he soooooo had her!!!!!


Did anyone think the scene where Gidget is trying to increase her bustline, in her bedroom, with B. L., when B.L. puts a tape measure right around her boobs and says 'Let me measure them anyway' was a bit suggestive? Gidget then swirls away and out of the tapemeasure and B.L. has a disappointed look on her face.
Gidget was referred to as the tomboy in the movie. If B.L. was not the tomboy, [with that haircut] what was B.L.? The 'butch'?
[B.L. may also stand for Big Lesbian]


B.L. had that "disappointed" look on her face because she felt helpless....she felt bad because she was trying to help her best friend and didn't like to see her give up so easily. She wanted Gidget to be happy.

By the way...B.L. stands for Betty Louise.


And I mean that it the most beautiful sense! Come on, all those hot young men, showing their buff (for that era) bodies

They're buff in any era.

A man does not recover from such a devotion of the heart to such a woman!


1. They were smart enough to know the girls were jailbait. (They made this comment in the first scenes.)

2. Most weren't that buff. Guess weights weren't really popular back then yet.

3. Gidget's friend was definitely a big lesbo.

4. Tolerance towards gays is a fairly recent development. Can't really blame Robertson for not wanting to play one. Could've easily killed his career.



Wow...for everyone who agrees with "this movie is gay", didn't watch the movie intently. For one thing, the guys were staying away from Gidget because she was younger than they were. Even so, you do see some flirtation from Loverboy (I think that's his name) towards Gidget when he is "teaching" her how to surf. It's silly to think any of the guys were homosexual considering they were all making goo-goo eyes at the girls on the beach.

And another thing, B.L. is clearly not a lesbian. First of all, she has a boyfriend. Secondly, her hair is that short because it was a style back then. And thirdly, she did not flirt at all with Gidget or any other girls. She is Gidget's best friend, giving her make-up tips and dressing her up for the party...trying to help her get the beau she wants. That's all. Pure, innocent friendship.

Now, whoever disagrees with what I just said, clearly needs to watch the movie again.


Stop bringing "gay" to absolutely every movie that is NOT gay. I'm no homophobic, but c'mon does everything have to have a gay factor? REALLY. GIDGET is a family fun movie! It's NOT a gay movie! LOL!

Thank you lil_miss_independent92 for setting it straight (no pun intended).



Was B.L. her friend or her sister? When the buxom friends show up to take Gidget to the beach B.L. stays inside like she is right at home. She goes out too but not until they are gone.


B.L. (Betty Louise) is Gidget's friend. Probably her best friend. She didn't go with Gidget and the other girls on the "manhunt" because she was spoken for. She was dating a college boy, and she was wearing his fraternity pin.
