Song Lyrics?

Does anyone know where i could find the lyrics to the song 'There's No Such Thing as The Next Best Thing to Love'. the one James Darren (Moondoggie) sings at the the final party. I've been searching the web everywhere for them. I would really like to know... thanks to anyone who answers.

***Live And Let Live***




Thanx... maybe i'll do that... thanx again.

***Live and Let Live***


Hi darling, you can download the song by James Darren or the Four Preps off limewire!



There's no such thing as the next best thing to love
to substitue or ______ there of
just try and do without it
just see how far you get
___ what can replace it
nothing we've heard of yet
there's not such thing as the next best thing to love
likewise someone to cling to
something about a moon above
there's no such thing as the next best thing to love

i am really looking for the lyrics too!
that's all i can remember and i don't own the movie
can anyone help me out???


There's no such thing as the next best thing to love
No substitute or facsimile thereof
Just try and do without it
Just see how far you get
Why don’t we face it?
What can replace it?
Nothing they’ve thought of yet

There’s no such thing with the very same appeal
And nothing like when you fall in love for real
Whether it be the real thing
This much I’m certain of
There's no such thing as the next best thing to love

There's no such thing as the next best thing to love
No substitute or facsimile thereof
How can we disregard it?
How can we not take heed?
Just like the inner craves for the dinner
Love is a human need

There's no such thing as the next best thing to love
Necessity gave a cold, cold hand a glove
Likewise someone to cling to
When there’s a moon above
There's no such thing as the next best thing to love
