Prince Phillip

What a fvckin BABE.

Down, down under the earth goes another lover...


Yup, love brunettes who are dashing :)


Indeed! He's the best looking Disney prince, in my humble opinion.


I'd say up until Prince Eric, Philip was the only Prince to really be pro-active.

He definitely had a bigger role than the Princes in 'Snow White' and 'Cinderella.'

Plus, I still love his little bit with Samson regarding the galloping with 'carrot incentive,' that ends in him getting pitched off.


"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


well, Snow White's prince spent like a year searching for her. he's also one of the few guys to not be afraid to cry and show some manly emotion. Charming wouldn't even look for poor Cindy himself. haha.

We're collecting dust, but our love's enough.



Charming wouldn't even look for poor Cindy himself.

I thought this too and had a low opinion of him because of it, but watching it recently, either the king or the duke mentions that the prince wouldn't rest until he'd found her. So, i think he was supposed to have been looking for her as well; we just didn't see it. I'd always pictured him pouting in his room before. Haha.

Please don't feed the trolls.


Aladdin would kick Prince Phillip's butt.



with what, a mangy monkey and mostly slipping away before Philip could really bruise him?

I don't remember Aladdin having any real fighting skills, but this thread is about how hot Phil is.


For somebody with no fighting skills Aladdin did quite well with a scimitar. And he no doubt learned street fighting while living on the streets of Argabah. When he realizes he can't beat the giant snake transformed Jafar he outsmarts him. So aside from his skills, Aladdin also uses his smarts.

Prince Philip no doubt was trained to be a knight as it was if you were a prince back then, but his fighting skills are marginal at best. He gets defeated and captured by a bunch of Maleficent's dim witted goons, chained up in the dungeon, and is only able to escape with the help of the three fairies who free him, yet even after the fairies give him a magic sword and shield he still needs all the help he can get from them just to escape the castle. He needs their help again to get through the thorn bushes and when he goes up against the dragon, its the fairies who get most if not all of the credit for taking down the dragon since they put the spell on the sword to make it fly into the dragon's heart. Aladdin doesn't need any help from fairies when he is fighting the power mad Jafar, or from genies either since the genie was under Jafar's control. He outsmarts Jafar so that's how he wins. So Aladdin would outmaneuver, outfight, and outsmart Philip, and would win.


One of the only animation characters I'm attracted too... along with Eric, John Smith and Brock (Pokémon)

I've always loved him, and I especially love his line "Now, father, you're living in the past. This is the 14th century!" :)

"hell is empty and all the devils are here."



Agreed. Phillip is the best! Classically attractive, athletic, charming, funny, brave... What's not to like? (Disclaimer: He's my favorite of the Princes lineup.)


He's got to be pretty strong as well. Notice he picks the obese king up with no effort at all.

Please don't feed the trolls.


Yes I definitely agree with this Philip is so sexy and drop dead *beep* gorgeous. He is really dashing and very strong as he can lift his obese father with ease and is really hot! He is one of my disney crushes and my second favourite disney prince! I love how he is so heroic and noble which are very important qualities in a prince. Philip is a real babe it is true and to the post saying dashing brunettes are lovely you are so right they are. Philip is lovely!



Phillip's the best of the Disney Princes, it's a shame he doesn't get more respect. I want to smack the Maleficent writers for making his appearance in that movie nothing more than an extended cameo.

"Our cows make a decent living wage, so please, no tipping."

