Gift of beauty

Someone pointed this out which I found funny...

After Flora casts her gift, I'm surprised King Stefan and Queen Leah weren't a little offended at the gift... What exactly was Flora implying, giving Aurora the gift of beauty?

"Everyone loves a big fat lie." - Closer (2004)


Haha. I can see Leah's smile frozen on her face thinking "whatchu implying there Flora"

And it seems like an unnecessary gift. Aurora turns out looking almost exactly like her mom anyway. Leah already being attractive too, so it probably wasn't that necessary.

The entire world is falling to ruins and poor Cheshire's off his tea.


Maybe her mom was ALSO given the gift of beauty..


That is funny! I never thought of it that way. Guess it's a good thing Aurora didn't end up looking like Stefan, eh?


Good point! Haha.

Please don't feed the trolls.


Beauty is relative. Imagine if Flora's conception of beauty was... herself.

She could have changed Aurora's appearance from her mother to Flora's


What? I think you're being overreactive.

I think it's a fair thing to "grant", cuz people grow up and can change (physically), even if they have a beautiful mother yes. Don't forget--the kind was average-looking at best.

If I had a fairy that could grant my child beauty for sure, why not?



Perhaps the beauty was inner and outer beauty


I like that idea.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


The song just covers outer:

One gift, beauty rare,
Gold of sunshine in her hair,
Lips that shame the red, red rose,
She'll walk in springtime wherever she goes!

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


Today,mathat is the one gift that bothers me. Someone else's definition of beauty not only impacted her but Prince Phillip. But since it's a fairy tale I let it go.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world
