Free on Youtube

The print isn't great but it perfectly fits a race exploitation film of this sort. I have talked to a lot of twentysomethings who have never heard the expression "passing for white". Here's the link


It's good for a lot of laughs


The dancing sequence will inspire a lot of chuckles.


Come on, the movie is not that bad that it's funny. It's a well put together low budget drama for what it is. It's no Imitation of Life, but it deserves its respect and delivers its story reasonably.


It was a little overwrought. The girl keeps piling lie upon lie to the point where it wasn't dramatically believable. I found myself giggling throughout, especially when the girl danced.


Well, it works for the movie's story and frankly, your suspension of disbelief wasn't required to be at an all-time rise here. You also have to remember this was the late 1950s and early 1960s era so people were gullible to buy Bernice's lies than what would fly today sixty years later. I saw it as no issue. A woman with a pretty face and demeanor is bound to be able to get away with a lot, and given we're seeing things from Bernice's side, we know her story to be baffled by her lies. Her lover and his family have no idea who they're dealing with so it makes sense they'd be oblivious to suspecting anything heavy.


You may have a point.




Thanks for the link! What a window into the past.


You're welcome!


It's up on Prime too for those might not like the transfer on Youtube
