english dialog

love this movie, but couldn't help being baffled by the brief exchange in English between Tom and Freddie?


I think it was just to show that Freddie is in fact American? Philippe is supposed to be American too!


& Tom is supposed to be American. Americans speaking French in Rome? Odd.


Yeah, but this movie isn't totally faithful to the book. Instead of Philippe and Tom being American they're French, because the movie's French. Freddie is an American friend of French Philippe. At least, that's how I see it.


"Instead of Philippe and Tom being American they´re French".

Frenchmen called Greenleaf and Ripley from San Francisco? Trying a bit too hard there, are we?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


French and Italian are both Romance languages, and it is often said that many Italians speak French as second language. (Although I didn't really need French, English seemed to do the trick)
So what languages were spoken this film? French, English and Italian? Did characters like Delon's ever speak English or Italian?

I'm asking because this movie was on a German channel last night. Dubbed of course. Americans speaking French in Rome, dubbed in German... don't ask how confused I was.

Plz visit my profile to take a look at unsolved threads.Plz use relevant title,SOLVED if so.


Ah! your remark made me laugh - I'm a translator (English/French - dual mother tongue) but I also speak a bit of Spanish and Italian - can't, for the life of me, watch anything dubbed or subbed to/from French and English because I keep trying to reconstruct the original language or retranslate it my way. But I rented an Italian movie subbed in Spanish the other day and had to stop after 30 minutes with a monster migraine!
I think I saw Delon speak bits of italian (I think it was one of Visconti's films) but I know Visconti had all his actors speak mainly their original tongue and then bits and parts were dubbed depending to which country the movie was exported.
Oh, and I should add that this thread is one of the most interesting one in imdb - I'm also a student of film (I've decided to go back to university in my advanced age (!!!- don't ask, don't tell ;o)) and get an art history/cinema degree - go figure!


I've just seen it in Italian. Not only everybody speaks a neat Italian - no accents, either foreign or regional; not only there were no language barriers from, say, an Italian illiterate fisherman and an American tourist; but even the letters Tom typed to Philippe's parents in San Francisco, or to his fiancée in France, were written in Italian!


I just watched "Plein soleil" in French a few minutes ago and noticed that the French actor who plays the Italian police detective in Rome speaks Italian with a slight accent, but his French is flawless when he talks to Ripley/Delon (check out 1:25).
