
The Miramax DVD says Martin Scorsese Presents.....What did he have to do with this movie?


Scorcese was a great admirer of Rene Clement and has made extraordinary efforts to preserve the greatest of films of which Purple Noon is one. It was he who saved hundreds of films rotting in studio vaults. My Fair Lady was another one!


I heard that Peeping Tom was another one that he saved. His editor, Thelma Schoonmaker, was married to Michael Powell.


What no one cared for Plain Soleil until Scorsese rescued it from the vault?


In Europe "Plein soleil" was shown on TV multiple times, but obviously it was not known in the US (as author Patricia Highsmith is not as well-known over here than she is all over Europe).
I grew up with watching this film on German TV since the late sixties until I immigrated to the US in 2002. I did NOT notice that the film was about to deteriorate, yet I'm glad that Scorsese saved the film, had it restored and most of all made it well-known to the US audience!
