


Posts disappear


No, it's still here!


It seems OK now , swanstep.

It was very weird. The posts started to disappear off the screen AS I TYPED THEM. Hence I sent in a one-word message or two, just to try to get in.

"All is well." For now.




Well, thank you for that, 9.

It is heartening to see some of the names I used to see at imdb -- but also good to be "meeting" some new posters.

I'm reminded of a line by another Psycho -- Bob Rusk -- in Frenzy:

"Quitting a job can be a blessing in disguise. It gets you out of a rut."

We didn't "quit" imdb. It quit us. But we seem to have gotten out of a rut, and perhaps this "brave new world" of new sites will allow for a broadening of our world and the people we get to know.. albeit only on "the net."




Indeed. It'll be interesting to see the consequences of IMDb shutting down their massive and long-running boards. They don't know what their decision has set loose into the world.


I suppose they will have ways of checking if traffic declines in some significant way. I still go there to check stats...but its not anyplace I feel like to going to on a regular basis. Still...its a GREAT place for stats.

My feeling is: management didn't realize how much, within the many boards they had, people had made a commitment to come there and to be there. Its like we were the well-behaving guests at a party and we ALL got thrown out, along with the unruly ones. It felt unfair.

But nature abhors a vacuum and here we are.


By the way, we recently got the option to be notified by e-mail of replies we get here. If you haven't and would like to, you can add your e-mail address through your profile. It's helpful for those who are using multiple sites.


I will look into that. Thank you.


Hope you're well and see you on the boards again. :)


I am , and you will. I look forward to reading your posts as well. Come on out and say something from time to time! "We don't bite."


Hi, ec!

Been nosing around here for the last week or so and just wanted to say hello. Still getting the lay of the land in these parts, as well as on https://www.themoviedb.org/ and http://imdb2.freeforums.net/. Each offers its own advantages, and I was especially pleased to note the email notification feature here, upon which I depended greatly at imdb.

Many's the time I'd get a reply to posts from months or even years earlier, and about many of which I'd forgotten. Some boards apparently had just enough sporadic activity to keep them active, that is to say without any automatic deletion of older threads either by being crowded out by newer activity or the opposite extreme of becoming moribund. I had a reply only last November to a thread I'd started on The Palm Beach Story just shy of 10 years earlier! Talk about a "dangling conversation."

I'm grateful as well to the enterprising and ambitious user who was able to archive so many imdb threads on this site. Of course I've forgotten now who it was, so I can't single them out for the credit they deserve.

Just the same, I have the "fish out of water" feeling I got when when a brand new junior high school was built closer to my home and I was transferred there after a year at another. Although surrounded by many of the same faces, everything else was unfamiliar and I reverted somewhat to the "new kid" uncertainty I'd had entering the other school a year before. But now as then, I guess most of us are "new kids" here.

Anywho, thought I'd touch base after having lurked for a bit.


Hi, ec!


Hi, back atcha, doghouse!

Been nosing around here for the last week or so and just wanted to say hello.


Glad you did!


Still getting the lay of the land in these parts, as well as on https://www.themoviedb.org/ and http://imdb2.freeforums.net/. Each offers its own advantages, and I was especially pleased to note the email notification feature here, upon which I depended greatly at imdb.


Yes, I didn't get those at imdb and I'm getting them now...helps me get into the sites, too.

Though I'm finding navigation a little "tough." Harder to post sometimes, etc. Oh, well...I'll get the hang of it.


Many's the time I'd get a reply to posts from months or even years earlier, and about many of which I'd forgotten


That was me, all the time -- and it may yet be at boards where I don't get such reminders.

It used to be at imdb that I would decide to go "roaming" some movie boards I hadn't been to in months...years!...and d'oh...there was somebody answering me from months/years ago. Sometimes I'd answer "just to make a record" but they were long gone. Served me right. I trust no one thought I was being rude...just didn't check up.


Some boards apparently had just enough sporadic activity to keep them active, that is to say without any automatic deletion of older threads either by being crowded out by newer activity or the opposite extreme of becoming moribund.


I could never figure that out. On some boards, my posts/threads stayed for years. Others...gone in months. And not just on popular boards.


I had a reply only last November to a thread I'd started on The Palm Beach Story just shy of 10 years earlier! Talk about a "dangling conversation."


Yep...amazing, that world.

I would be amazed to find that posts I thought I'd made " a couple of years ago" turned out to be 8 years ago or something. Time is swift and merciless!


I'm grateful as well to the enterprising and ambitious user who was able to archive so many imdb threads on this site. Of course I've forgotten now who it was, so I can't single them out for the credit they deserve.


our friend swanstep is at least one of them, and the person who runs this joint -- "Jim" -- is, I think, the mastermind. As always, "if I have left someone out," I am sorry.


Just the same, I have the "fish out of water" feeling I got when when a brand new junior high school was built closer to my home and I was transferred there after a year at another. Although surrounded by many of the same faces, everything else was unfamiliar and I reverted somewhat to the "new kid" uncertainty I'd had entering the other school a year before.


Great analogy. I would refine it to moving up to a high school that feeds from several junior highs. I did that, and found myself with a clique of the junior high "old friends," but needing to get to know the new people...whom I couldn't CALL friends unless and until I earned it. "Here's hoping."


But now as then, I guess most of us are "new kids" here.


Yes, even with each other, again.

I will likely be saying the same things I've said about Psycho "one more time" to the new acquaintances. Just making a record.

But there's always something NEW to say about Psycho...and a final season five of Bates Motel on the air that is definitely taking on the Hitchcock version directly after four years in which that was an intermittent thing. I'll probably start/join posts on that. It will be "new."

Anywho, thought I'd touch base after having lurked for a bit.


Very glad that you did, doghouse!


Good to see you here, Doghouse !


You too, Gubbio. I trust we'll be encountering one another not only on this board but, as the song goes, in all the old familiar places...A Star Is Born, Laura and so on.

As another song goes, everything old is new again.


Yes, I'll be "seizing" you in all the old familiar places ! ;-)


I shall endeavor to render unto seizor the things that are seizor's, and can be searched out for a seizure any time.

This is what happens when I get started: absolutely no belief in any form of pun control.


And for lunch, we could always have the Seizure Salad.


Good to see you here, EC !
