MovieChat Forums > Psycho (1960) Discussion > OMG! Geriatric TV commercial channels th...

OMG! Geriatric TV commercial channels the shower scene

I was watching What's My Line on Buzzer the other day when one of the ubiquitous ads aimed at the geriatric set came on (I guess they know their audience demographics!) I can't even tell you what the product was because I was astounded to see an elderly man falling in the shower tugging on the curtain as he goes down and lying there with the water running! I have to believe that the creators of the ad knew they were spoofing the shower scene, but possibly the sponsors themselves were clueless about it. It certainly detracted from whatever they were trying to sell!


Had he "fallen and couldn't get up?"

In addition to listening to Sirius radio(and no, I'm not trying to sell it), I sometimes go on cable where they have "nostalgia radio channels." At this point in time, the 70's music channel mainly has geriatric ads on it(for retirement, wheelchairs, etc.)

While I have no interest in embarrassingly prolonging my youth(I don't wear Nehru jackets and love beads), I find it amusing that an "automatic decision" seems to be made that when we hit certain ages...we should only be sold certain "old folk" products. To see/hear Young Americans being played on a cable video channel, with adult diaper ad on the screen with it...NO.

I'm afraid Psycho -- circa 1960 and seen by 40-somethings then who would be over 100 now -- is a big candidate for geriatric commercials. But that movie is eternally young to me, and I not only will not go gentle into that good night, somebody's going to have to tell me I'm old...just before I die.

Still, intentional or not...that Psycho shower reference is amusing, I guess. And showers can be quite dangerous even if a killer isn't stalking.

Dark fact: actor Charles McGraw(fishing boat captain Sebastian Sholes in The Birds), died when fainting and falling through the glass door of his shower. It was the bleeding from the broken glass, not the fainting, that killed him.


ecarle, you might want to take a listen to WMTR, a retro AM station based in New Jersey which is available online. They're the only station I know that still plays early rock from the 50s (through the 70s), and without a bombardment of geriatric ads (an occasional plug for a nursing home but that's about it). So I can listen without feeling ancient.


I'll give it a try. Thank you!

Honestly, I get rather enraged to be so "pigeon-holed" just for being a certain age or liking music from the 70s. Boomers are notorious for a certain self-centeredness, I guess, but the older I get, the younger I feel...freedom of sorts.

I am sure that I will soon need these services and products, but no reason to assume I won't have OTHER needs.

Best news: I currently go to meetings and events with people 20 years older than me who barely miss their stride and participate with full mental acuity. If they haven't given up, I won't.


I've seen some of those "horror commercials" geared to seniors and find them funny, though it does seem a bit like overkill (in a manner of speaking) inasmuch as we can't protect ourselves from everything. We're all going to die from something. The one with the middle aged women with the "mom" (why is this word always used for mother?) who's always volunteering at the,--animal shelter?--feels awfully upscale for digital TV, it seems, but then I just read a piece that people are canceling their cable subscriptions left and right and that digital is becoming, remarkably, the new cable. Besides, a lot of us who are getting along in years like black and white classic films and TV shows. One of these days I'm going to actually purchase one of those products if it's something I can use.


There is currently running a TV Ad for one of those Medic Alert Buttons.

The ad shows an elderly woman in the shower, becoming disoriented, grabbing the shower curtain, pulling it off the rings, and falling into the tub.

Their message: An accident can turn into a tragedy.

And, all I can think of is Janet Leigh, grabbing the shower curtain, pulling it off the rings !!!


Haven't seen it, but that is one bad idea. "Hey Grandma! Remember Psycho? You could end up like that without the lunatic!"
