
I'm curious why the "Psycho" board gets so many of these "OT" threads. Why not just go to the movie you're talking about and post there?


I'll try an answer: "why not?"

But I gave it some thought and though a good motto is "never complain, never explain," I'll try to explain with a few thoughts:

ONE: First of all, even the "OT" threads have "Psycho" discussion within them. There is an OT about "Killers of the Flower Moon" here which diverges off on some Psycho posts(not MINE, to begin with at least) and so in reality, we probably don't NEED to put OT on the posts because they turn into Psycho discussions EVENTUALLY. Plus Psycho connects across so many films, one modern critic wrote: "There is a little bit of Psycho in every movie." Maybe. Hey "Killers of the Flower Moon" has a private detective who comes to investigate and gets murdered. You see?

TWO: Why not talk about the movie over at its page? My issue here is that the Psycho page seems to allow for the OLDER person to post without entering the more youthful world of the other pages. I will sometimes venture out to some other movie's page -- a current release -- and find the page to be so full of youthful insults and attacks (and politics) that it is like being at a different site. So I scurry back here with an older crowd and where I seem to be known AS such and...fewer attacks. That's important -- I shouldn't BE hanging out on Marvel movies with people so young.

On the other hand -- take a look -- I comment on all sorts of pages, either as roger1 or ecarle(still active but only off my cell phone for short posts.) This "short form ecarle" personality is of in interest to me, btw: THERE I am obeying and typing teeny-tiny little comments and getting comments back. Over here, a bit more long form(though not as long as I once was, I rather cured it.)



THREE: Why not talk about the movie over at its page PART TWO: Because things are more civil here, but I can be more specific. I really like the 1987 film The Untouchables. But if you look at its page, its mainly a lot of people(young?) talking about how bad it is, how stupid it is...trolling, whatever. Over HERE, OT, I can discuss The Untouchables with an older, less insulting crowd. (You don't SEE them posting, but I know they are reading.) And both The Untouchables and Psycho have major sequences of "death on a staircase" so -- not OT

FOUR: Take a look at swanstep's OT posts. Currently as is the season, he is looking at the Oscar-aiming releases. I, for one, enjoy reading that material and again, this page has developed over time to allow for that kind of erudite discussion. This wouldn't really fit in "General Discussion" or even "Oscars." It is there for the taking , very intelligent, very-author-specific (to swanstep's point of view; we are hardly on the same level (I'm a guy who liked "The Perfect Storm" even while clearly seeing its corny scenes for what they were) or with the same breadth of movies being watched (my motto is: I've never SEEN as many movies in my life as I have READ ABOUT those movies -- and swanstep keeps me current. Other people too - remember, they don't POST, they read.) That said -- swanstep sure is harder on movies than I am.

FIVE: Take out swanstep's posts, my posts, and a few other's and -- there would be almost nothing here. It would be a "dead" board. Last March I think it was, we tried an experiment: somebody outside of us posted on Psycho, we wrote no posts in reply, waiting to see who else would post and.... and....nothing came in. (You want to see a DEADER page? Take a look at the page on Frenzy.)

SIX: To handle me at least, don't like my stuff -- hit ignore, I'm gone.



SEVEN: Moviechat itself seems to have been gracious enough to allow the Psycho board some latitude over the years with the "OT" stuff, and while I hope it never ends...it might. They could cut us off and send us away, I hope they don't, but if someone wanted to end us, they could. I'd like to hope we get to stay.

C'mon liscarkat, make an OT post here just to express yourself. Or better yet, make an OP about Psycho. We would love to chat with you...
