
Would like to let everyone know that my father, the director, producer and writer for Orgy, has died today. He was 77.

Although he was dead serious at the time of the making of this movie, over the years he learned to laugh at himself and the mistakes that were made. It was unintended camp, and he wore it on his sleeve. We grew up with Eddie Wood as our weird "uncle", and wore the costumes for Halloween....

We've had several versions of an "Orgy II" script, and perhaps the time is right...

R.I.P. Dad....Criswell will be up there waiting at the gates with a glass of scotch...

And yes...I can't watch the silly thing without fast forwarding it either...definitely the worst movie ever made. I'm so proud.


I'm very sorry for your loss. It was nice of you to come and share this tribute with those of us who have a baffling love of bad movies. Yes, this is a truly awful film and your dad made many people happy by making it! Here's a toast to a life that sounds like it was full and well-lived.


Wow...never thought I'd hear from someone on this site, and just noticed your post....sorry for the delay in noticing!!
My dad did, indeed, have a full and well-lived life, as you put it. He enjoyed each and every day. He took chances and, thanks to his ego, just didn't have the word "failure" in his vocabulary. He was the first one to coint the phrase to me that A Quitter never Wins, and a Winner never Quits...(long before it became a household credo..).
We feel badly that we couldn't pay homage to him in a way befitting, but perhaps we'll get to Orgy II someday...he would have like that and we spoke of it up until his death...just couldn't figure out whether it should be a comedy or straight...but I think we decided it would have to be total camp...ya think?
Anyway...many thanks for your open mind and warm heart. Even bad movies can have good intentions....


Big condolences on your loss. Your old man's film has further warped my fragile little mind, and for that I can only thank him.


Thanks for your words...he warped mine all my life, and I am a better person for it....


I know my reply is a tad late. Sorry about your Father. I loved his film, and had a great time watching it with my friends. I especially loved the interview your Father did (on the documentary "Look Back in Angora") which he explains about the first time he met Ed Wood, my God it was hilarious and it opened up a fascinating insight into the world of Hollywood B Grade filmmaking during the 1960's. The film warped my mind? Sure, but I had a great time. Many thanks.


Didn't he die on December 10, 1978 or something?


I believe this thread is in reference to Stephen C. Apostolof, the director. Ed Wood Jr passed away in 1978, Mr Apostolof in 2005. I had to look twice myself.


Dear Crossfam,
My name is Leslie Morris, I'm a big fan of your dad. I have most of this latter films. And I have several vintage poster (My 'The cocktail Hostesses' poster sits over my computer right now) I've sent you a private message telling you how much I like your dads work, then realized you might not check it as imdb.com dosent tell you when you have mail. Could I ask your questions about your add. You can reply to me on




No movie is really bad as long as you're entertained by it.


Must have been interesting, growing up with the ed wood crowd.
