Lasting effect

I first saw this movie as a child in the 60's. It had an effect on me that I can't explain, I don't think that I am a freak or something but.....I named my first dog Suzie...My favourite movies are the soppies (Pretty Woman, Notting Hill etc)....and without even considering the link ended up married to an Asian lady. Funny how life turns out!!!


thanks for your post. :-)


Lovely story, I hope you have a long and fulfilling marriage :)

You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice


wee_mac_01 ... only just read your post and it has so many similarities with me!

I think I saw the film in either the late 60s or early 70s on TV, and fell in love with the story without really knowing why.

I never saw it again until a few days ago when I got the DVD and it brought all the memories back, after over 30 years and after only seeing it once!

Love it ...
