Burning paper models

I saw the movie only once (in the 60's) and I seem to remember that Suzy burned paper models for her ancestors, adn after her death the artist burned a model for her.
What was teh model the artist burned for Suzy?

Regards, Jim


I just watched the film, and his "model" was actually a "Letter of Introduction" he wrote out for her son at her request.


When my son was young and our rabbit died we had a Chinese funeral complete with family photo, paper money, red ribbons, and pet food which we either burned or buried when we laid the bunny to rest <:(


Suzy doesn't die in this, nor does she burn models for her ancestors. Her baby dies in the climactic landslide, and she and her friends burn models of the various things he would need in the afterlife, including the letter of recommendation (written by Holden) mentioned by another poster.



I just saw the movie. I loved that scene (burning the paper models), cried. At the very end of the scene, Holden asks her to whom he should address the "letter of introduction." She replies, "to whom it may concern." Wonderful.

