Did Missy Work?

I haven't seen the show in years so I don't remember. Was she an interior decorator? I never quite understood why they needed a live-in maid with only one child and a stay-at-home mom. Carol Brady with six kids I could understand needing a maid.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


Yes, she was and he was a lawyer so why not a maid?



Dont forget that apparently Hazel had been with Dorothy's family for generations, and had grown up with baby Dorothy.

So she was a semi-family member as well.


I've always wondered that as well. It seems she sat on her ass all day, No job, didn't cook, didn't clean, didn't do the wash. And the few times she did attempt to do anything to help, Hazel would shut her down. Very strange show.


-----------It seems she sat on her ass all day,------------

Hahahaha. Occasionally she could be seen arranging flowers. She also had a workshop out back somewhere. Self-employed interior designer...must be nice!
