it was worth it...

He he, I just have to post this. I just watched this film at the Istanbul film festival and as I was sitting down before the movie an old couple next to me were talking excitedly about how they had seen this film back in the early 1960s yada yada yada.
About halfway through the film I wake up from my peaceful dreaming to the sound of loud snoring next to me. It was worth it just to see the old couple so enjoying themselves. I wonder if they slept through it the first time.
I have a high tolerance for films, but I just couldn't get through this...
It was worth it for the old couple. But then I had to take my leave. There's nothing worse than people pretending to like what they think is pretentious...:)


I couldn't get through it, either. I did like some of the images from the garden, but that wasn't enough to hold me.


I urge you to give it another chance. I hated the movie the first time I saw it, but when I took another look at it was fascinating. Now it's one of my favorites.



I agree to give this film another try... I admit that at times it can be tedious to watch, but really it is an excellent film! I loved it when I watched it. Hahaha I saw it in my first year film course, and almost everyone hated it. Like half of the people in the lecture hall left completely, and most of the others fell asleep.

Still, they were fools. This is a great film when you give it a chance.


"Remember, there's nothing wrong with the weird..."



maybe not entirely enjoyable (i've only seen it once), but in retrospect i really enjoy having seen it.....the cutting techniques in this movie are especially interesting to have seen
must have been some kind of revival of the 20's French Impressionism with its trademark rapid cutting style


I will admit that i hated this. I plan on watching it again in a few months though.

My top 20:



You're not calling me ingnorant are you? Just by looking at my link anyone can see I appreciate great films. Chill out you douche bag.

My top 20:



It certainly was. The key is not to have any expectations of a plot or narrative, and simply sit back and be amazed by all the ways the film appeals to and sunverts your senses. I love this so much better than a poor story and dumb acting, which is most of the movies out there.




Beautiful, haunting, nightmarish. It's a work of surrealism that deserves to be seen.

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!
