Racist Film

Do the Latinos get all upset about white actors in brown face like in this film as the African Americans get all upset about white actors in black face?


That's really hard to know. I'm sure some Latinos do get uptight about the white actors in brown face, but, from what I've read/heard, the opinion(s) on the film West Side Story among Latinos (as well as everybody else) is rather divided.

As for West Side Story being racist overall, while it's clearly true that there are people of all races, nationalities, religions and ethnicities who do think that way, I believe that the overall message of the film West Side Story is about as anti-racist as one can get. West Side Story (the film) succinctly presents the message of how deleterious the consequences of racism, ethnic, and cultural prejudices can be and are.


The Sharks win the gang fight.


... I believe that the overall message of the film West Side Story is about as anti-racist as one can get.
I would think most clear thinking individuals see it that way.🐭


I would think most clear thinking individuals see it that way.🐭

Thank you, spookyrat1. It's too bad that they don't make films like that any more. The people who were involved in the filming of West Side Story predicted that there would never be another film like it again, and they were right.

But it's just as well, because no matter how many filmmakers, etc., try to copy it in some way, it'll never really work, because nothing beats the original, if one gets the drift.


No. What is wrong with wearing a little makeup to look more Puertorican? Most actors playing them were tan enough anyway. Besides this was made in 1961 and the essential message of the movie if anything, is against racism and bigotry.


Latino isn't a race. Neither is Puerto Rican.

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Latino is an ethnicity. Puerto Rican is an origin. They originally came from Puerto Rico, so that makes them Puerto Rican.


Latino is a cultural/linguistical group and may be of any ethnicity.

Puerto Rican is a nationality and may be of any origin.

Most Puerto Ricans have origins in Spain and Africa.


After watching this film

This is your question????

Man you suck. Your thinking is so limited


After watching this film

This is your question????

Man you suck. Your thinking is so limited

Who are you talking to, winy68? Just curious, because if you're talking to me, you've got one hell of a nerve there, babe.
Cool it, will you? Thanks.


You might need to change your viewing option to "thread" or "nest". From the indentation pattern it's clear that winy was replying to the original post.


You might need to change your viewing option to "thread" or "nest". From the indentation pattern it's clear that winy was replying to the original post

Thank you, PillowRock. I stand corrected.


FACT: No one was wearing brown face. Prove me wrong.


"Do the Latinos get all upset about white actors in brown face..." Upset about a movie that was over 50 years old when the OP posted 9 years ago? I hope not.
