I wonder

If Tony hadn't butted in, what would have happened? I believe Ice would have probably won the fight but doubt if that would have finished the feud. Tony would have had to.fight Bernardo sooner or later.

After the end of the film- I expect they'd have cooled it and the gangs would have gradually broken up. They were coming up for draft age. Maria and Anita would have presumably eventually "found another" from "their own kind."


You've made some good points here, marktayloruk. Had Tony let the rumble go on, despite what he'd promised Maria, Tony would've more than likely ended up having to fight Bernardo after Ice and Bernardo had duked it out with each other. Tony and Maria might've been together, and the Jets and Sharks overall might've become friends.


I think that had Tony allowed the Rumble to continue as planned, and allowed Ice and Bernardo to duke it out with their fists, as he'd originally suggested, regardless what he'd told and/or promised Maria, nobody would've been killed, Tony and Maria might've ended up being together, and the Jets and Sharks would've formed a truce and possibly become friends.


I think there's a possibility that had Tony not butted in and interfered with the Rumble, that things would've gone on as planned, the fist fight between Ice and Bernardo would've gone on, and Tony would've invariably had to fight Bernardo afterwards. The gangs might not have necessarily broken up, but a truce would've possibly developed between the Jets, the Sharks, and their girls, and they would've united and become friends.
