MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > If Robert Mitchum were here...

If Robert Mitchum were here...

I would thank him for the nightmares, and I'm being completely serious. I first saw this film for the first time this September and in the countless times I've seen it since, I've already had two nightmares.
The first one was not long after I watched it, and dreamt that Max Cady was stalking me. If it were Robert Mitchum I don't think I'd mind, 'cause he is smexy, but this was scary rapist Max Cady. Everywhere I went, he was there. :O

The second one was just the other night. Cady was after me. Then the dream sort of switched and Robert and I were filming "Cape Fear," and he was very frightening. He was roughing me up and pushing me around like the scene with Polly Bergen, and I, or rather my character, started crying, only the tears were real because I was so scared of him. We kept going until the director yelled "cut" and I fell to the ground, still crying hysterically. Nobody seemed to know what to do and Robert was just staring at me with worry and a bit of regret in his eyes, like he hadn't meant to scare me that much.

Those were my nightmares. Keep in mind I've only seen two Robert Mitchum films, this and "The Night of the Hunter" (which is fantastic) and I'd like to see more, preferably of this sort of genre, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. :)

Just to clarify that I'm twenty-one, so it's nice to know that this film, and Robert Mitchum, still have the power to scare.


I first saw this film in 1999, when I was 11. I am 26 now and this film is still chilling. I have had some nightmares of scary rapist Max Cady following me in public since then.

Robert Mitchum is a brilliant actor, and director J. Lee Thompson is a master at creating scary action/crime movies.


If anyone hasn't seen Night of the Hunter, he was mighty scary in that one as well.
Not to be missed.

I've had a couple dreams about him too.

One of the all time greats. Bogart, Lancaster, and Mitchum above all.


Are you male or female ?
