MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > Nobody could play a tough guy as well as...

Nobody could play a tough guy as well as Mitchum

Interesting that he didn't play the character sympathetically as so many actors do when playing a heavy. De Niro did that when he got the role 30 years later. But Mitchum played max cady evil all the way and it worked.

Reckless drivers are a bigger threat to you than all other criminals put together.




The remake was a joke. De Niro should've won a special Oscar for overacting. But that's the kind of sh-t that the ' American Sheeple ' are programmed to eat up.


Mitchum played it much more convincingly, and sophisticatedly than De Niro did. Mitchum has a charm and a stage presence that de Niro does not have.

I like tea


Love Robert Mitchum!

He was so hateful in this movie, pure evil. He didn't need for the character to be made sympathetic in any way, because he respected his audience.

They don't make many actors like him today. He truly scared me in Night of the Hunter, and in this. No special effects, no CGI, just actors doing a great job.


Love this film, great cast right through it, Mitchum looks sinister before he even opens his mouth, just has that look in his eye, great actor.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk


Yup. Signature evil. No one has done it so well. His menace so believable.. Read trivia pg. Brit censors went overboard, but later restored. Checkout the other actors considered.
