Very good thriller

This was indeed better than the Scorsese movie, though not by as much as everyone claims. Regardless, I did enjoy this flick a lot. The atmosphere was excellent, as well as the chilling score. Mitchum was brilliant, and far superior to Bobby DeNiro (who was way too over the top, IMO). I did feel the acting in this flick over-all though was a bit wooden, and Bowden's family seemed way too perfect in this movie (as opposed to the scorsese flick where you can see their flaws), but overall this movie does beat the Scorsese version in over-all creepiness, and the fact that it was far more serious and gritty as opposed to Marty's over-the top and stylized remake. I didn't like the ending to this flick though. Not because he didn't die, but because he said he didn't care to die, yet did nothing to try and attack Bowden one more time (I know Bowden had the gun, but remember Cady said he didn't care about dying).

Any way, my final rating for this movie is an 8/10. I'd recommend this Hitchcockian thriller to anyone.

Formally known as Coilector


Even though Cady said he didn't care to live, we all still have that basic instinct for survival, he wasn't to the point of suicidal but he wouldn't have minded that someone else take the initiative for him.

As for Bowden's family seeming too perfect, they came off as an average American family to me, I imagine on a day to day basis they had their bad times and good times like all families, but that doesn't mean that a totally dysfunctional family would have made it look any more of a reality.


that family wasn't that perfect...

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