Why Not Top 250

I really don't understand why this excellent movie is not in the TOP 250, Don't you think it should be? Why not?


It definitely should be in the Top 250. Hell, I'd place it inside the Top 100, easily. It's a terrific film and it beats the hell out of Scorsese's fun but overrated remake.


Because it's not top notch first class entertainment like 'School of Rock', 'Glitter', 'The Osbournes' and the rest of your ideal teeny bopper productions.

(yes, I was being sarcastic)


The Top 250 list is growing worse by the day. It's probably a badge of honor not to be in it!


I definatly believe this should be top 250.
It has great acting, it is the best old school thriller I have ever seen, and set a precedent for newer movies. And it's plot is just amazing, I love everything about this movie. Definatly top 100 worthy, i jus think not enough people have seen the original.


I completely agree with you guys. Cape Fear is simply an amazing movie. When I first saw it, it was immediately after the remake. My mom and I were having a movie night, and decided to watch the remake first for a change so I wouldn't expect anything from it. I was so impressed that I left when the climax of the movie came, I went upstairs to make more popcorn so we could start the original right away.

I was captivated with the original right from the start. I wasn't at all surprised when the special features on the DVD I got later said that the director was inspired by Hitchcock, because I honestly forgot it wasn't one of his movies not far in.

As far as I'm concerned, Robert Mitchum is Max Cady, as Gregory Peck was Sam Bowden. I loved Sam for actually being a pleasant lawyer for a change, more like the lawyers I know. (My mother's been a legal assistant for 39 years, so I've met plenty.) Gregory Peck actually seemed like the kind of guy who would host a Christmas party at his house for everyone who worked with him, or invite everyone over for a barbeque just because, like my mom's last boss used to.

As for Robert Mitchum, nobody can ever do his job so brilliantly ever again. He was much more unnerving than De Niro could ever hope to be. The look on Peggy's face when she realized Cady had untied and boarded the boat was probably the same as mine the first time I saw it, at that point I was absolutely terrified. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what Cady was going to do, and I loved every minute of it.

I think we should try anything we can to get this movie into the top 250. The final 50 in the top 250 have scores of 7.9, Cape Fear is at 7.7. Maybe, if everyone votes 10/10, we can try to get it where it belongs? It doesn't seem to be the number of votes, just the final score, that counts . . .


Cape Fear is not in the top 250 because according to the top 250 because "Fight Club" is a better movie than "To Kill Mockingbird" Now don't get me wrong i LOVE Fight Club...but it is no where near the movie that To Kill a Mockingbird is perfect film. I think it goes without saying that the top 250 is beyond flawed. Anyone with a brain in their head and decent taste in movies will realize that the top 250 is basically useless.




Maybe it's not there because people forget to vote for it and concentrate on the newer films.



I really don't understand your question. Are you asking why it actually isn't located in the list, or are you just insinuating that more people should have given it a higher rating? Because the fact remains that is, 7.7 is a good rating. A very good rating, actually, compared to many films on the site. And I think 7.7 is a pretty accurate rating myself, although I can totally understand that other people may rate it much higher. But the fact is, the Top 250 is reserved for every movie ever made which means your opinions are indeed going to be in the same pot as people of all ages and interests. And that means films from The Godfather and Schindler’s List all the way to Snatch and the new Dark Knight movie. Personally, I rate both of them higher than the original Cape Fear and it seems most of the rest of the world does too.
Of course, you could create 100 000 fake accounts and vote 10/10 with every one… ;-)

Go to the loo, 'cause all the *beep*'s coming out your mouth instead of your a-hole...


Cape Fear should most definitely be in the top-100. This is one of the greatest films (not just film-noirs) I`ve ever seen. A lot better than Godfather, Lord Of The Rings and other fantasy-children crap-films.


Depends what you reckon is a good movie though. Cape Fear runs off script and performances. Although you may not care, a lot of people find good visual effects just as impressive as watching somebody provide a stellar performance. I personally like to average it all out when I make my opinion.

Go to the loo, 'cause all the *beep*'s coming out your mouth instead of your a-hole...


I think it should at least be in the Top 20. It's one of the few movies that actually scared me. It scared me more than some lame slasher flick, partly because it could actually happen, but also because Mitchum was so... so.... WOW! You know? It's one of the best thrillers I've seen. And the remake wasn' terrible either. Probably one of the best remakes out there. I also think Mitchum's Night of The Hunter should be up in the Top 20 too. That was another movie that actually scared me.



I think the answer is very simple, really. Another generation of moviegoers is dying off, and the youngest generation of imdb voters has not seen the movie and may not even know that it exists. To them, the remake of Cape Fear is an old movie.

How many imdb viewers have seen the great black and white silent movies and voted them into the Top 250? There are many famous silent movies whose titles I have heard from cinephiles and film critics, but I have not seen them personally. Consequently, I do not vote for them.

So it will go with other classic films of the 20th Century as the next generation of movies and moviegoers passes. It will take a sustained effort on the part of those who love these movies to educate the newest generation of filmgoers as to why these movies are so great.

Then again, technology may influence taste, and this youngest generation may find the lack of CGI effects in the older movies less appealing, just as I find the highly emotive acting styles, the reduced picture quality that comes with aging and the inserted titles of the silent movie period less appealing because I'm accustomed to a different style of making movies. It's the way of the world.


I think it should attain the Top 250. Surprised it wasn't there. Halloweeen should be there also, I think. Rocky is barely on there, and if any movie should be in the Top 20 all time, it's the original Rocky.


i've never seen it with a 4 star rating, it's always 3. imdb is not the only place it is not highly revered.


Halloween was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Worst acting, worst script, worst directing, zero scary, total laugh fest. Finally saw it because everyone and their moms have always talked about it being such a great slasher flick. It was really, realyly bad. Which may be the charm. But I didn't get it.


It definitely should be in the top 250. Honestly, I felt it was scarier than Pyscho.
