MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > Hayley Mills playing Nancy...

Hayley Mills playing Nancy...

I watched the extras on the DVD and the director said that he wanted Hayley Mills to play Nancy beacause she was sexy. She couldn't do it because she had two movies lined up with Disney, so he picked Lori Martin instead. He said that he had Hayley Mills in mind the whole time while directing Martin and he regretted it because he could have directed her better.

I think that Hayley Mills wouldn't have been a good person to play this role. I don't think she was sexy at all. She looked innocent but Martin had that innocence and sexiness to her. What do you guys think?

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Out of the two actresses, Martin was best as the daughter. Hayley Mills might have been interesting as the daughter, and yes, she had the innocence, but it would have made sense if the daughter was "accidently" slightly sexy for her age and therefore prey for Cady.

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I'll take Lori Martin over Hayley Mills. At the time Hayley Mills was a major Disney star and I doubt that J. Lee Thompson could have coaxed Disney to let her go to Universal to make a movie like Cape Fear. Mills may well have had a non-exclusive contract with Disney, so maybe she could have done it, but my guess is that Walt Disney would have talked her out of it. Hayley Mills in Cape Fear would have been a bad career move at the time, and there's no way she could have gone from a dark film like that back to Disney for things like Summer Magic and The Truth About Spring. It would have ruined her reputation.

Lori Martin was a relative unknown. She had starred in the TV series National Velvet for a couple of seasons but the series didn't make her a star, thus she had no reputation to ruin. I think that she was excellent in Cape Fear, a cute kid but not a jail bait looker like the Sue Lyon of Lolita. There was an air of innocence to her that didn't feel like acting, or didn't to me. Hayley Mills was prettier, somewhat sexier in appearance even when she played Pollyanna. She looked like a kid who was going to grow up to be a babe. She didn't, not quite, but that's how she came off. Lori Martin was more average looking.


I believe that J. Lee Thompson actually directed Hayley Mills in a film before(or around the time) she did "Pollyanna" in 1960 and started her Disney years. So he knew her.

But Lori Martin's sexy innocence is its own thing(she looks like she could be Greg Peck's daughter), good for the part(and so much better than the soon-to-be-passe dumb-mumbler act Juliette Lewis does in the remake.) In the 1962 "Cape Fear," Hayley Mills would have been good -- and would have been a "marquee star"(after 1960's Pollyanna and 1961's The Parent Trap), but Uncle Walt had other plans.


A 20-something Hayley Mills sought the role of Dustin Hoffman's British wife in Sam Peckinpah's 1971 thriller "Straw Dogs." The role had a brutal rape scene and required nudity. Hayley wanted to do it, but Peckinpah felt that the Disney connection would be too strong and hurt the film.

However, earlier around 1968, Hayley Mills HAD done a sexual character( I think with some nudity) in the British psycho thriller "Twisted Nerve." "Twisted Nerve" is famous for several other things: a scary Bernard Herrmann score(used by Tarantino in "Kill Bill 1" for the hospital scene), and a performance by an actor named Barry Foster(not as the psycho of the film) that was seen by Alfred Hitchcck and led to Foster being cast as a psycho in Hitchcock's "Frenzy." Actress Billie Whitelaw was also in both "Twisted Nerve" and "Frenzy."


J. Lee Thomson had indeed directed Hayley Mills earlier (in the 1959 film Tiger Bay), and as a Brit he doubtless would have liked having his fellow countrywoman in this cast of Americans for his first American film, not to mention he knew he could deal with this young actress.

But I think Mills would have been all wrong for this part. Her other career issues (with Disney) aside, Mills's Britishness could not have been disguised and would have undermined her role, and the film, from the start.

Lori Martin does indeed look like she could have been Peck's and Bergen's daughter, was American, and ultimately turned in a much more realistic, less mannered, performance than the more theatrical, "professional" Mills would have.

Saying this, I have to strongly disagree with my friend telegonus above, and second the thoughts of my other friend ecarle. I think Lori Martin was beautiful, and looked a bit older than her years -- enough to provoke unhealthy feelings of pedophilia in normal men, not just a twisted psychopath like Max Cady. She was presented as quite lovely and even sexy -- in fact, I think the movie was criticized for sexualizing her so blatantly, quite astonishing for 1962 -- and so it was obvious why a man like Max Cady would want her.

By contrast, with all regard for Hayley, she was not the least bit pretty (let alone beautiful), and didn't improve much with age (irrelevant to this film anyway). I actually think she was rather homely and unattractive. There was nothing sexy or beautiful about her at all -- she was more of an imp, or tomboy, certainly with nothing seductive about her. I can't see how anyone could think she was beautiful, let alone better looking than Lori. Not to mention that, physically, she would not have been the slightest bit convincing as the daughter of Peck and Bergen.

Anyway, I'm not sure Mills would ever have been much in contention. Peck was the film's producer and had the final say. He had hired Lee Thompson as director because of the favorable experience he'd had with him on The Guns of Navarone the previous year, and admired his earlier work on the 1959 film North West Frontier, but this was Peck's project and he knew what kind of actress would and would not have worked in this part.


Even before that Mills did the drama The Family Way in 1966 while she was still a teen. She's a young wife whose husband refuses to consumate their marriage because they are living with parents and they might hear. She spends much of the movie indicating she's horny as hell and trying to seduce him. She appears nude from behind at one point. She had a nice butt.

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Lori did a superb job with her role, I think. I cannot picture anyone else but her as Nancy. As a matter of fact, I can't see anyone but the final cast in these roles.

Gotta say Hayley and Lori were equally beautiful though. :)

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