MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > What happened with Diane Taylor?

What happened with Diane Taylor?

Ok so maybe I watch to much Law and Order SVU but I thought the first thing they would do would be to call an ambulance and get her to the hospital for a rape kit. It never actually said she was raped but that's what it looked like to me. Even if she wasn't she was pretty beat up and should still be checked out by a doctor. All they did was keep bugging her about was coming to the station to file a complaint. Hello! That can wait. She was a victim and needed help. Don't get me wrong I think she should made a complaint and pressed charges but they should have got her to a hospital first. That part didn't make sense at all to me.


It's a weird plot hole. My guess is that such issues like to be hospitalised for rape was too explicit a subject for the early 1960s.

CAPS LOCK: Are you ready to unleash the fury?
