MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > (The egg breaking) Does anyone know...

(The egg breaking) Does anyone know...

Does anyone know if Mitchum's breaking of the egg during the scene where he "confronts" Peck's wife was improvised? If so, that has to be the greatest improvisation of all space and time.

ps- Bernard Herrmann.....genius.




God told me that he loves a poop woman. It's probably you.


If you have the film on DVD, slow-pace that scene. Watch as he snaps the egg, you can see Polly Bergan REALLY getting terrified. If you look really closely, it's quite obvious that she wasn't expecting the violent egg breaking and was actually terrified by that antic. If that isn't a look of terror, then I don't know what is...


Then the whole rubbing the shatterd egg on her just made it more freaky...


I think in the special features that the director says that it was his idea at the last minute to use the raw eggs in the scene.


I loved that scene


Director J. Lee Thompson improvised the egg-breaking scene on the spot when the scene was being set up to be shot. It's a truly great and jolting little touch that further adds to the nerve-wracking tension of an already harrowing scene.

Q: What's the biggest room in the world? A: The room for improvement.



thats my fave seen from the whole film, don't get me wrong its terrifying but its rather full of sexual tension, and as much as i hate to admit it, i kinda want it to go further (i'm so naughty) Bob is just so hot


because of that scene, this film should be re-named "The Great Eggs Cape"!

What the *beep* is a Chinese Downhill?!?


Just watching the scene right now -- you don't even need slow motion, I honestly think that Polly had the living sh*t scared out of her. Then, smearing the egg across her chest . . . with Mitchum doing such a brilliant job, I don't find it hard to believe she would honestly be scared sh*tless, especially if the scene was improvised.

Plus, as the making of the movie says, Robert Mitchum warned the director that Max Cady was "a drunk, a rapist, and a violent man, and I live my parts." He might well have been drunk and he definitely using her as a battering ram to open the doors, that probably would've been even more terrifying.

Edit: and am I the only one who wants to try actually shattering an egg like he does? In fact, I think I'm going to right now . . . in the sink. :-D

Edit 2: Apparently I have a very good grip . . . my kitten poked her head into the sink, I squeezed, egg went EVERYWHERE. :-D I certainly hope cats can't get sick from egg yolk, she has quite a mess to clean up . . .


I saw an interview with Polly Bergen & she said the egg-breaking was an improvisation by Mitchum & it scared the crap out of her!



i don't blame her. in mitchum biog on the biog channel she says what was so scary about Mitch in the film was that she said 'he was playing heavy with a smile, so quiet... and soft... and gentle... then BAM!!! end!!!' i believe those were her words.

I need sex for a clear complexion, but I'd rather do it for love- Joan Crawford


thats my fave seen from the whole film, don't get me wrong its terrifying but its rather full of sexual tension, and as much as i hate to admit it, i kinda want it to go further (i'm so naughty) Bob is just so hot

ClassicSiren, knowing that you're 14 and typing that, you might scare me more than Mitchum.
