Parents, a question

Anybody here who has seen this movie and is a parent, let me ask you a question. Do you find this movie particularly terrifying from a parent's point of view? I mean it makes sense to me, here is a scenario that can very well happen to anybody who tries to do the right thing, and then they have a psycho rapist coming after their young daughter, and by law there's nothing that can really be done. Just the idea, that a crazy man who knows his way so well around the law that he can't be caught, is coming after your daughter, your angel, your flesh and blood, and you're pretty much helpless in that situation without going to jail for murder.

Now this movie has been terrifying people for 45 years, but I especially think if you look at it from the parental angle, it is ESPECIALLY horrifying.


i'm not a parent, in fact i'm about the same age as the daughter, but i totally understand what you meen, must be awful imagining that could happen to you r children :(


The law may say I'm helpless, BUT I SURE DON'T!!

I had an experience when my daughter was 15. I had limited her phone calls
because her homework was not getting done.

This was before the era of cell phones.

She was allowed to give our phone number to her 3 best friends of whom I knew
quite well; including their parents. They were also on restriction, because
we were not playing about the school work.

Somehow, some boy got our number, and called and asked to speak to my daughter.
I informed him that she was not allowed to take any calls, how did he get the
number, who was he and please don't call again.

He proceeded to call me all kinds of B*****S. That he would knock my
F*@#ing head off; naming all of the horrible sadistic sexually explicit things he would do to me and that I had better do what the H*ll he told me to do.

Well....needless to say, all that did was get my adrenaline going!

I told him, no I begged him to get pen and paper, to write my address down. I told him the door would be wide open, and I would be sitting there without a stitch on!

I told him that if he lived 2 seconds after he stepped to my doorway, HE COULD


I found out later, that some of her other friends told him that he was lucky
that he did not go to my house; as they knew I was a nice lady, but I would
shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to my daughter. I also
sent word to him that I knew what he looked like, (I made my daughter tell me who he was and where he lived.) I was able to speak to the single parent of this little psychopath, and let her and him know in no uncertain terms that if I saw him crossing the street, I would run him over and leave him as road kill on the pavement.

Needless to say, he made sure our paths never crossed, and he would go the other way when he saw my daughter at school; as I was not playing!!!

I am not a violent person; but I am not a weak one either. I am a ride or die chick when it comes to my child!!

I am not going to give you breathing room after threatening me or my child!

I will get your A$$ first, and then answer to the authorities afterwards
while you are taking a dirt nap!

This movie absolutely infuriates me!! The police and politiians always take care of their own; and it was not realistic to me that they wouldn't get this guy no matter what the law says. You could not get me to believe that the
corrupt machinations of the law enforcement and political force would not do
something about this guy!!

F*+k with my family, and you will get F*#ked up!!



you're a psycho hose beast. guns don't kill people, psychotic overbearing mothers kill people. your daughter must have a terrible social life due to all your intereference. i hope you appreciate ruining any chance of your children growing up to be functioning members of a society where we don't shoot people for looking at you wrong. that kid shouldn't have mouthed off, but what adult-hating adolescent wouldn't? especially when Big Momma is raining down on him with threats to kill him. say a prayer to jesus for me.

mitchum far surpassed de niro in the portrayal of cady. mitchum delivered scary, de niro just posed.


How about you cross your psychopathIC A$$ across my doorstep and let me take
charge of you!!

You are an illiterate, social misfit, who is mad at the world because no
one loves your stupid A$$...TOO BAD!!!

My daughter grew up to be a very good and responsible mother to my

If I hadn't threatened to wipe that little SH!T out with my gun instead
of toilet paper; she might not be here today!

You are obvious a weakling, and resist people who are strong.

I can pray to Jesus for you....BUT HE IS WAITING FOR YOU TO PRAY FOR YOURSELF!!



After some very tragic endings to similiar events where a young girl or woman is being harassed by someone, my state passed stalking laws. I think "threats to person" are also illegal here.


Dear Hillie:
Your passionate anger toward anyone who'd potentially do harm to your child leaves no ambiguity as to how you, the parent, would handle those who'd pose a threat to your child. The parents in the movie were driving me crazy as to what lengths they'd go to NOT to protect and defend their daughter. Dad was a spineless sissy and Mom was AWOL on a shopping trip instead of meeting the girl outside after school. Then they both left the kid alone at the dock to polish the motorboat while they went off to, I don't know, maybe change each other's diapers? The girl's smartest member of her family was, unfortunately, buried without ceremony behind the animal hospital.


HillieBoliday frightens me...she could easily be the psycho villain for one of these types of thrillers.


They didn't leave her alone at a place where there were no other people around, folks were swarming all over the boat docks and on the street outside her school.


If someone was stalking a member of my family and the police couldn't do anything about it, I would not threaten the perp. That's against the law.

Better to kill him without warning.


If it's against the law for the police to kill him without warning, wouldn't it also be against the law for us? So I don't see where having him beat up is any less unlawful.

I hear what you're saying but if truth be told I think it would be very difficult to know just what you would do. I know this is just a movie but there are times even these days when reporting a threat just isn't enough, you hear the sad stories of the victims in the news all the time.

I guess one of the things about this show is that it is close enough to reality to make you stop and ask yourself the question, "just what would I do?".


I don't have any questions of what to do. If I were in that situation, without a doubt, I'd kill him. Quiet, discrete, with a whisper, then bury him in the middle of the night where he'll never be found.

You see, the law isn't for protection from the unlawful scumbags. It's only a guide for the law abiding citizen. God didn't give your children the police, and lawyers, and judges to protect them. He gave them YOU to protect them. The others are there to bring the low-life to justice AFTER he's raped and tortured and killed your precious little girl or boy.

Sit and hope the police and such can save your child from a pedophile killer? Not for me. My system of protection is much more reliable and I'll use it, even if I take the risk of getting caught and spending my entire life in prison.


Do you find this movie particularly terrifying from a parent's point of view?

Absolutely. The scene that got me feeling overwhelmingly protective was when the girl is knocked down by the car in the street and she's crying "He's here momma, he's here...."

I'm a Lieutenant Detective in, uh, Homicide. That's a fancy name for murder.
