MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > An odd visual quirk (SPOILERS)

An odd visual quirk (SPOILERS)

Watching this movie recently I noticed an odd effect in the final scene that I was hoping someone could explain.

In the finale, just as Bowden gets the gun and turns it on Cady, in the bottom left corner of the shot facing Cady there's the shadow of a tree or bush that's been superimposed over the scene. You can tell it's an optical because it stays static even when the camera moves.

I'm curious if it was put in to cover some sort of mistake or just for the aesthetic value in the shot but since it's a rather obvious effect, it seems strange. Any ideas?

Nobody cares about the man in the box


I certainly cannot explain it, but I can confirm that it is there.

Personally, I feel that it was just in for aesthetic value. Perhaps, looking at the scene later, they felt that they needed more "shrubbery" and thought audiences would not notice. Of course, I have absolutely no evidence to support this.

Btw, nice Prestige quote in your sig.



Just watched it on U.S. cable—premium, where they don't cut anything—and yes, it's there. It's exactly the kind of effect usually intended to obscure something; my first thought was that Mitchum's wet pants must have been clinging to places they shouldn't and the result had to be covered up. (Maybe I just have a dirty mind, but that kind of thing has happened more than once in the history of the movies.)
