Very Charged Movie

Robert Mitchum's performance as the stalker Max Cady gave Cape Fear an edge. The story's hero Gregory Peck, although a stellar actor, came off as somewhat sterile (although he was handed the more unforgiving role as the protective husband and father.) Peck's performance was very emotionally charged and intense, but Mitchum had this dark animalistic sexuality to him that was at once appealing and frightening. Max Cady is charming and laid-back, but underneath lies a raging storm of psychopathic hatred and bitterness.

In modern terminology, Cady had a sex addiction. (Remember, he is stalking Peck's family is in retribution for when Peck, as a simple passerby, stopped Cady from raping a woman in a dark alley years ago.) He is extremely lecherous. He makes innuendo's at the bowling lanes waitress and Peck's wife and daughter and seduces a less-than-chaste woman in a bar as soon as he gets into town. Two scenes are especially erotic, one at the boat dock when he ogles the budding teenage daughter who is wearing a pair of tight little boy shorts and the other on the riverboat where he opens Polly Bergen's dress and seductively smears eggs all over her chest.

And the sexuality displayed in the scene where Mitchum finally corners the pretty young girl in the dark play room is so, so wrong. There's silence at first, adding to the tension. He just looks at her, the water dripping and glistening on his big, powerful chest and arms. From the look in his eyes, you know what's on his mind.


Well said (no sarcasm)!


Plus the mystery of just what it was he did to the woman in the hotel room. I think it is clear that she intended to have sex with him, so what it was that he actually did must have been pretty nasty. Of course in the 1991 version they had to show it (a chunk bitten out of her face in that case) but I think it was creepier leaving it totally to the imagination of the viewer.


When it comes to showing an audience what's behind closed doors vs. leaving them to use their imaginations I think can work out either way. I'm very much one for using my imagination yet, it doesn't hurt to see what's behind the closed door.


i completely agree, i love the erotic touch to mitchum in this movie... i think it is deffinately one of the strong angles that gave him that je ne se quoi in the role.

p.s i can't stop watching the confrontation scene between bergen and mitchum on the boat... so much sexual tension for the sixties!!

robert mitchum and me
