What with the ring?

I couldn't understand why the waitress at that bowling place seems so terrified when Mitchun asks her if she's commited and then he shows his hand (wearinga ring)? Is there any relation of thw ring with the dialogue or was she simply overeacting upon his comments?


It's been a while since I've seen it...I thought SHE was wearing a ring, if he was then it might've been his wedding ring still...and if so she was probably horrified that he suggested an affair with her. She was like most everyone else in the town, nice decent folk, unlike him.


in the scene, he is chatting to her and she is leaning on the table with the hand that has her wedding ring on. he asks he wether it means anything and she replies 'it means plenty', he then goes and pushes a twenty dollar note under her fingers and asks her whether that means anything (basically him askin in a sleezy way wether she would have sex with him if her payed her afew dolars'. she is obviously discusted at this really sleezy behaviour and dashes away.

robert mitchum and me


Donkeyhorse is right on the money.


Thanks novastar and donkeyhorse. That really makes sense now!


my pleasure ;)

robert mitchum and me
