MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > Loved the remake, how's the original?

Loved the remake, how's the original?

Hey all. I LOVE Scorsese's remake of this film, and am a fan of Gregory Peck. Should I view this one? Thanks!


I'm a gregory peck fan as as well, and the orginbal is very good. Peck is very good, even if he is overshadowed by robert mitchum's marvellous acting as Max Cady


Should I see the original?


Yes! If you like the remake I strongly recommend J Lee Thompson's excellent original. It does sadly look a little dated today, and due to the time it was made it deliberatly avoids going into the details of Cady's crimes and Peck simply recalls the story as he "attacked" a girl.

However, even if you see it and don't like it, at least you can see where the inspiration for the De Niro/Scorsese remake came from.


I tell u what
If u watched the remake
Don't watch the original(just an advice) It actually put me off cuz I watched the reamake before the original
The original sucks(Only that Mitchum pulls one of his best perfomances)
Plus De Niro's perfomance was way better than Mitchum's
De Niro should have won an Oscar for this one



Never saw the remake but the original was amazing. It still gives me the creeps just thinking about it.


you should watch the origional
even if u don't like it (i doubt it)
i think you should watch it just to c bob mitchum as cady
he wonderful (and this is a 14 year old girl talking)
i've seen the remake and in my opinion its not half as good as the 1st one, so watch it, if u don't like it that cool but i think you most probably will
P.S don't judge the film just because its in black or whaite or you don't c any gore, its suggestivness is chilling if your able to appreciate scarey films without anything graphic

luv ya
