MovieChat Forums > Cape Fear (1962) Discussion > Comparison to Scorsese's remake

Comparison to Scorsese's remake

Original 'Cape Fear' was representative of the Hollywood golden era thriller. Robert Mitchum, despite his acting like the model too much sometimes (when taking off the shirt we can see that he holds a breath in order to suck in his stomach), gave a very good performance of cold psychotic criminal who blames his lawyer for his sentence in jail and wants to get even with him and his family. The film itself has some well-directed suspense moments, good presentment of the characters and good pace.

Scorsese’s 'Cape Fear' has the same pluses as the original: De Niro is excellent lunatic, film has load of suspense and good pace. But still, I’m under the impression that it lacked the style of the original. The original maybe seems out-of-date mostly because of the ending scene (I won't tell you cause it's a spoiler) and De Niro portraits the modern criminal you-love-to-hate, my opinion is that you should chose the original if you want the real film experience.

A note: there is a small vice-versa roles trick in the remake: Cady’s lawyer is played by Gregory Peck (Bowden in the original) and Bowden’s friend lieutenant is Robert Mitchum (Cady in the original).

Movie remakes compared to original
