MovieChat Forums > Days of Wine and Roses (1963) Discussion > Any other Lemmon dramatic roles similar ...

Any other Lemmon dramatic roles similar to this?

Up until now I really didn't know a lot about Jack Lemmon as his prime was before my time. I've caught many of his films on TV like Some Like It Hot, The Apartment and the Matthau movies, and always considered him to be a fine actor in comedic roles.

Anyways, last night Days Of Wine and Roses was on TVOntario's Saturday Night Movies. I knew nothing about the movie beforehand, but saw that Lemmon was in it and it was directed by Blake Edwards, so I sat down to watch it expecting to enjoy a pleasant comedy.

As you can imagine, I was completely blown away by what I saw. What a movie! As outstanding as the rest of the cast, the directing and the writing was though, Lemmon's acting was the film's centrepiece. His performance was brilliant. Especially the greenhouse scene (It was heartbreaking and I felt like screaming at him when he started breaking everything) and his sublime work in the films final scene.

So now I'm starting to think that Lemmon was a far better actor than I ever realized. As in one of the all-time greats instead of just very good.

Are there any other films where he takes on dramatic roles similar to this that I should check out? Are any of them close to being this good, or was Days Of Wine and Roses the highlight of his career?


Days of Wine and Roses is my favorite Jack Lemmon performance. It's arguably the role of his career. Other good Lemmon dramatic parts are:

Glengarry Glen Ross
The China Syndrome

Haven't seen Save the Tiger in a long time, but Jack won his second Oscar for this film.

"Now what kind of man are YOU dude?"


I never cease to be amazed how good comedians can be such great dramatic actors when they give it a shot.

Jack Lemmon certainly showed his dramatic chops, and then some, in this flick.

Michael Keaton is another one who blows me away when he does dramatic pieces.

And, Robin Williams.

Even Jim Carrey (whose comedy I am not a great fan of) did great drama in 'Doing Time On Maple Drive.'

I have a theory about this: A good, professional comedian has to be an astute observer of human behavior and social interaction.

Therefore, when they transition to drama, they take that experience and training with them and can be just EXCELLENT as dramatic actors.

Anyway, that's my theory.

I wonder if anyone else has any other theories about this?

"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois


Do yourself a favor and see 'Save the Tiger' jack Lemmon at his best!


I totally agree with the 4 other movies recommended:

Glengarry Glen Ross
The China Syndrome
Save the Tiger


What about How to Murder your Wife?

He wasn't trying to be funny in that movie, that was Virna's role.

And even then she was just being in love.

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty
