Your Favorite Scene...

Ours was when the Liquor Store owner poured booze all over the groveling LEMMON. Would have liked to do that ourselves in real life.

Of course if LEE REMICK had been strapped too the table in her underwear then that would have been our favorite scene.


The end because it was finally over. The cliched by the numbers portrayal of alcoholism the fast downward spiral,fast recovery and the talk about chocolate bored me. Lemon and Remick's portrayals are more the stuff of comedy sketches. Blake Edwards is a hack. None of his films have an even an 8 rating on IMDB: THE GREAT RACE DARLING LILI THE WILD ROVERS THE CAREY TREATMENT THE TAMARIND SEED SWITCH BLIND DATE WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE WAR, DADDY?...what claptrap!


8.0 is a pretty high rating - enough to put a film in the top 250... so, according to you, there are at most 250 'good' directors in the world?! Your standards are too high.

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


Howlin Wolf; I am not sure who you are talking to. Would you clarify your statement to us.


I was talking to 'brefane', who called Blake Edwards a "hack", based upon the rating of his films at IMDB.

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


Howlin Wolf; Well 'brefane' is wrong about that also. No director hits 100%, but I can find far worse then him.


When Joe comes in from a meeting, wakes the baby up, and goes into a rant about how she should be bottle-fed...

This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


When Jack Lemmon was screaming & tearing up the green house looking for that bottle! Reminded me of my crummy childhood, and my late father's antics, as he sank so low into the depths of alcoholism! Still gives me chills, but a painful reminder of why I don't drink!


bufflerman; Does not sound like a pleasant memory, best to avoid this film entirely. Do agree that was a great scene, baring your personal history of course.
