Good stuff

Three tales in one. You don't get that often.

Morella - Roger Corman certainly likes to explore the human condition, and he does here again. With utter grief, being the focal point, alongside with guilt and blame. It's a bit of a frightening tale when you see what happens in the end, and how the ladies switch. Another huge abode, filled with the goodness of old style films, and lots of spider-webs. However it is well produced and executed.

The Black Cat - Peter Lorre really is good to watch. There's quite a bit to unpack in this. You could wonder if the combination of the drinking and the fear of the black cat, put voices in his head, or just the black cat. It is said that cats have hypnotic powers. However, amazing that his hallucinations along with the black cat ended up being his downfall. Very well put together segment. Vincent Price was hilarious with his wine tasting.

The Case of M. Valdemar - Freaky. Hypnotism is an interesting subject, and applied to this tale, it tells an intriguing tale. People like control, and having control over people gives them power. Valdemar's reanimated corpse certainly looks gross, and Carmichael got the end he deserved. Was great seeing Basil Rathbone.
