MovieChat Forums > Petticoat Junction (1963) Discussion > Finally, season three is coming to DVD! ...

Finally, season three is coming to DVD!



Nice to hear!


By far my favorite season! I just love the surreal and even slapstick comedy that characterizes this season. The following year the show would change dramatically moving away from absurd comedy and into singing and dancing and musical numbers.


The season 3 set is GORGEOUS - beautiful, sharp transfer and color that jumps out at you! Get it! :)

"So full of FIRE and MUSIC!!!"


Hot Dog!

I want a little more security on my shelf if METV takes the show off again.


I am so happy that they finally released season 3, but I was so disappointed that there were no introductions to the episodes by Linda and Lori like they did with Linda and Pat on seasons one and two. I guess they felt that it would be a lot less expensive to put out this season without any extras. Anyway, I'm just grateful that they did release season 3 and hope that season 4 is being planned soon.


Considering there were a wealth of extras on the previous sets, this one's a let-down in that department. However, what season 3 completely lacks in extras it makes up for in quality. The picture's so crisp that you could count the wrinkles on people's faces, the colors really pop (many shows from the early days of color TV were visually assaulting, but I never realized before that this one had such a beautiful color palette), the sound's clear as crystal, and I'm not through it yet but I haven't noticed any over-compression issues (the first season pixeled out here and there). There's an occasional fleck of dust/dirt but nothing overt and, hell, I've seen that on Blu-Rays too (an inherent problem with film). As with the first season, there's an obligatory disclaimer that "music may have been changed for this home entertainment version," but whatever's been switched isn't noticeable.

"Hillbillies" and "Green Acres" seemed to play on 20 different stations 80 times a day all throughout my childhood, but I never saw "Petticoat Junction" until I was a teenager - and it ended just as I was getting home from school, so I barely caught it at all. Didn't have TV Land until it went to crap, and my cable company dropped Me-TV just as they started airing it. I've come to like the show on DVD almost as much as "Green Acres" and really hope that the rest of the series is released maintaining this standard of high-quality transfers (which thoroughly puts MGM's three seasons of "Green Acres" discs to shame) since the universe seems to be conspiring against me watching the show on television.
