MovieChat Forums > Beach Party (1963) Discussion > Who Cares About The Main Film? More Cand...

Who Cares About The Main Film? More Candy!

I wonder if anyone else found that Candy's dance over the ending credits to be the highlight? It seems she has an almost infinite array of dance moves, all energetic and imbued with a optimistic "oompk" that is frankly exciting. The film is certainly okay, has a number of good scenes, etc. But - really - I think they should have just had Frankie and Annette introduce Candy, and step aside, while she gyrated for an hour and a half. Truly mesmerizg...


I dig Candy too, but hey-------I love the whole film. Heck I love all of the films. How could you want Von Zipper and the Rats to disappear or Deadhead or Big Drag, Big Drop................. It's the whole package for me everytime, but I agree----Candy rocks. Take care.

"It's not the ups and downs that make life difficult, it's the jerks." Charles Chaplin


Oh, don't get me wrong: I liked the film quite a lot. Hell, I even like "Teenagers from Outer Space"! I rather enjoyed watching it on TCM the other day, found the anthropology angle to be an interesting way to show a generation clash, and who doesn't like watching surfers?! It's just that I found those final few (far too few!) moments with Candy to be so overwhelmingly pleasurable (it made me feel about twnety years younger) that - for me - the film had no anti-climax: nothing but solid entertainment with a little uplift at the very end. Far as I'm concerned modern Hollywood could ditch all those "outtake" ending credit rolls, and replace them with just Candy dancing...



are you kidding?She couldn't dance!She always wore those charleston type costumes to give her more movement and she only jumped around alot.also,check out that helmet


No, I'm not kidding.


She was okay the first time around, but by the time she used her movements as a secret weapon toward the end of this string of movies, it was old.

I saw "Spinout" this weekend and there was a girl that could really shake her booty, and I thought it could be Candy, but she was fringless.

... I admire a person that's willing to do whatever is necessary.


Well - to each their own. When I saw her at the end of the film, I was absolutely thrilled by her act. So much so that I shared it with several friends (just the ending; seems they don't share my enthusiasm for "beach films"), and they - just as myself - were laughing with sheer exhileration. I KNOW she's not a technically proficient dancer, but I think her obvious pleasure is infectious.



i was thinking the same thing....i've never seen a chick dance so hot ! you say this girl's name is Candy ?...what's her name in real life and what other films did she do ? she still around ? definitely the highlight of the film...


Candy Johnson is her name.


I think they under used Candy in this film.


I found the spasmodic motions over the end credits completely unappealing.


Yes, I was amazed and laughing while she was dancing during the end titles. Forget the movie, I could just watch her go on and on like that for at least an hour!
