MovieChat Forums > The Birds (1963) Discussion > Alfred Hitchcock, Woody Allen, and The B...

Alfred Hitchcock, Woody Allen, and The Birds

I was browsing Woody Allen's autobiography "Apropos of Nothing" in a book store the other day and I came to a page (can't name it here) where he noted that only once in his life, did Woody Allen meet Alfred Hitchcock.

It was at one of the inauguration events for newly re-elected Democratic President Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1965. Johnson, a Texan, was also known as LBJ. His wife was named Lady Byrd Johnson and one of his daughters was named Lynda Byrd Johnson.

Allen said that he found Hitchcock very friendly and witty. And he noted what Hitchcock said to the crowd assembled to honor LBJ and family:

"I told you the birds was coming."
